The Real Benefits of Hiring the Services of an Event Planner – and How Best to Choose One

All the meticulous details that go into planning an event can be quite confusing for a beginner, and this is one reason why event planners are often enlisted to help plan an occasion or event. The job of any event planner is to help and guide you through the entire process of organising your event, but often, they do more than this – they can also point you in the direction when it comes to finding suppliers and vendors and venues, and they may even be good enough to get you some great deals and discounts that you wouldn’t be able to get when planning an event on your own. But what else are the real benefits of hiring the services of an event planner? And how can you best choose one? Here’s what you should know.

The true benefits of event planners

Hiring an event planner is an investment for your event because even if their services are not the cheapest, they can save you from making mistakes that may cost you more in the end. The first – and most obvious – benefit of event planners is the time they allow you to save. Organising any event, even the smallest one, can have its fair share of details, and if you have to take care of all these details on your own, you may not have time for much else. With an event planner, the whole process of planning an event can become more streamlined and organised, saving you more time in the end.

A good event planner such as the party planners in Oxfordshire from Oasis Events can also help you manage your budget; they can help you decide where best to allocate your funds and, more importantly, they can negotiate with prospective vendors and venues so you can get a good package.

But perhaps the biggest – yet least tangible – benefit of an event planner is to relieve you from the stress of planning your event. Event planning is stressful, so if you can outsource the job, why not?

How to choose one

  • Know their specialisation and skill

Most of the event planners available in the UK will specialise in a specific kind of event, be it weddings or conferences. So you should ask your potential event planning specialist what kind of event they specialise in or have the most experience with, and if it aligns with your own event, this is a good sign.

  • What are their services?

There are all-in-one event planners who can literally take care of everything, but you have to find this out and confirm it. For example, there are some who may be able to organise catering, while others can even source speakers. Figure out the services they offer, so you know what to expect.

  • How will they manage your budget?

Another crucial factor in determining how good your event planner is would be the management of your budget. Ask them how they will manage the budget for your event, especially since it is very easy for anyone to lose track and control of a budget. Aside from asking how they will manage it, ask them how they can help you save money as well.