Throw a perfect housewarming party after you move – Expert tips

Whenever you discussed about moving to a new house with your neighbors or relatives, didn’t you come across the cliches, ‘moving is expensive’, ‘moving is stressful’, ‘moving is hard’? Well, no matter you seek help of the best movers orange County, there will still be too many negative definitions of this tough transition period of changing homes.

Something that you might not have heard is that moving is fun! Now that you’ve done with the process of moving, are you thinking of throwing a housewarming party? If answered yes, here are few expert advice and recommendations for you.

Don’t overdo things

The ultimate mantra to having a successful housewarming party is when you stop taking stress over the details. The invitees are aware of the fact that you’ve moved in recently and hence they are not expecting a gala get-together. Decide the number of guests and the time of the party, whether in the afternoon or at night. An afternoon affair is a more casual one than an evening affair.

Go easy with the food

Before confirming on the time of the party, decide what food you’ll serve. The food items often depend on the time and theme of the party. If you wish to keep your efforts and plans at the minimum, host an afternoon tea – post lunch and somewhere before dinner. You just have to arrange tea along with cookies and juice. This won’t be too much of a fuss.

Design low-key invitations

If you wish to keep it simple, you have to either intimate your neighbors over the phone or design a small invitation and drop it into their mailboxes. If your kids have enough time, they may even help you in delivering invitations and this is also a good way of meeting the neighbors. To keep it hassle-free, don’t include RSVPs. It is rather better to inform them that they can drop in by a time-gap. You can click here to know more on Caribbean destinations that you should visit if you’ve moved on somewhere nearby.

Clean up the area

Before you moved into your new house, you must have already done the cleaning; so now your aim is to empty the boxes and manage the space. You have to keep in mind that your neighbors will take a tour of your new abode and hence you need to keep it clean. Make the beds, put away the clothes and declutter the living room. In case you have kids, put away all those things that they don’t wish to share with their new friends.

Arrange the area of party

Arrange three-to-four areas that can be easily accessed by guests. For such informal parties, you would always want your guests to help themselves. Hence, set up everything in a way so that they can do things for themselves. Keep a separate area for food and drinks and allow a space for contribution from guests.

Therefore, if you want to learn more on throwing a perfect housewarming party, check out all the points mentioned above.