Tips For Beginner Golfers

Golf can be an intimidating sport for beginners, perhaps more so than any other sport. However, there are several basics that beginners can keep in mind that will help them develop into skilled players more quickly. There are many more aspects of the golf swing that these golfers can tweak when they get better, but it’s best for beginners to keep posture, stance and grip in mind when they are learning how to swing a golf club. Most of the flaws in the golf swings of beginners come from one or more of these three areas. To learn a few tips about correcting your posture, stance, and grip, read on.

Getting Into The Correct Posture

Posture is very important when correctly performing a textbook golf swing. You should crouch slightly at the knees and keep your weight on the balls of your feet. Remember to bend over at the waist as much as you need to set the clubhead flat against the ground. Don’t bend your back when setting up to the ball. This is a common mistake that beginning golfers make when first learning how to swing a golf club. Bending your back will make it hard to consistently hit the ball solidly and may even cause back problems in time.

Taking The Right Stance

Getting your stance right is every bit as important as maintaining good posture. The first thing that beginning golfers should know is that the correct stance varies from club to club. A full shot with a wedge requires a stance about hip-width apart. As you move up through your set of clubs, your stance should widen until it gets to be roughly shoulder-width apart when you’re hitting shots with the driver. Your right foot should be perpendicular to the ball, while your left foot should be angled slightly toward the target. This will help your body turn more effectively during your follow-through.

Gripping The Club Correctly

It is vital to grip the golf club the same way every time. Grips vary from golfer to golfer, but consistency is important so that players know where their shot is going. There are two main types of grip: overlapping and interlocking. An interlocking grip involves locking the pinkie finger of your right hand around the pointer finger on your left hand. An overlapping grip, as you might expect, involves simply overlapping these fingers. No matter which grip you use, you should keep it the same on every shot.

If golfing in Spain or anywhere else in the world, following these tips are sure to make you a better player almost instantly