Tips For Getting Your Child Approved For SSI Disability Benefits.

What are SSI Disability Benefits?

Supplemental Security Income SSI disability benefits, is a government program for people with insufficient income far below an income scale that can support them. These benefits (monetary) are for those who have disabilities and are also within reach for senior citizens who meet the financial requirements. Children likewise adults, are eligible for these benefits.

Who is an eligible child according to the SSI standards?

It is the right of every disabled child, to access and be a beneficiary of the SSI disability benefit. For this reason, great care is taken to ensure that the applications for children by parents, guardians, foster homes, and caregivers are granted so the children begin to enjoy these benefits.

The benefits are monetized so, at your discretion, you can use it for what suits the welfare of your child best.

An eligible child for SSI must meet the following criteria:

  • A person under 18
  • One who is not married or the breadwinner of any family
  • A child who is blind or disabled (records to prove this must be available)
  • A child whose disability has lasted for at least 12 months


The application process for SSI Disability Benefits

 The application process is simple.

Firstly, you need to fill out the online report accurately and truthfully or go to the Social Security office to get a copy yourself.

Secondly, upon completion of filling this report, you will be contacted by a Security Representative to finish up the application process.


Tips to get your child’s SSI application approved

  1. Schedule an appointment with the Social Security Administrative office before you start filling out forms. This way, you are offered guidance that will help you get the first step in the application process, right.
  2. Have up-to-date records of your child’s entire paperwork which includes birth certificate, social security card, income declaration, medical records, and any other paperwork you know will be required.
  3. Social Security will surely contact your child’s teachers, doctors, therapists, hospitals your child receives treatment and medical care from. You will need to provide them with details of these people and organizations, and then inform them that Social Security will reach out to them concerning your application. Not only will this help them prepare, but it will enable them to be of assistance in supplying information that will make your child’s application considered for approval.
  4. Keep a personal file of your child’s medical records and treatments. Over-the-counter drug prescriptions, receipts for bills paid, medicare information, doctor appointment slips, and more. This will make you out as a meticulous parent and further improve the chances of your child’s application getting approved. A record of dates significant in your child’s disability, the types of treatment received, hospital/clinic discharge notes is the kind of information you should have.
  5. Obtain a receipt from Social Security stating that you filed an SSI disability benefits application.
  6. There is no hard and fast rule to getting approval on your application, but you must also exercise patience, these things take some time. However, if the time has exceeded six months, call the toll-free number 1-800-722-1213 to ask about the status of your application.


Handling your child’s application process right gives an edge in getting the approval on time. Even if the status of your application says denied, research has it that 60% of those who appealed to have their applications looked into, were reconsidered and got the benefits.

 Serenitas Special Needs Planning can assist with consultations, planning and will enlighten you on all the aspects of Special Needs Trusts you require knowledge on.

Just be sure to get every step of the application right and wait patiently for approval.