Tips to Restore the Excellent Functioning of Your Kidneys
Kidney disease has become a common condition among middle-aged people, which is a worrying trend. If you fail to check on your kidney issue, it can progress to the point of causing severe nerve damage and weak bones. Fortunately, Ghayyath Sultan, M.D. has the skill and experience to offer effective treatments.
Why should you have your kidney issue checked?
Kidney disease is a condition that occurs due to severe damage to your kidneys, resulting in the gradual deterioration of your health. If kidney disease symptoms last for more than three months, you have chronic kidney disease. The kidneys help remove fluids that can do a lot of damage when left in your body. Chronic kidney disease can take a huge toll on your kidneys and eventually your health. An accumulation of waste products in your body means that you may need dialysis, an expensive procedure, up to two times a week. A shocking fact is that you might need a lifetime of help once your kidneys fail in their functions.
How do you detect and inform your doctor you have a kidney issue?
Kidney disease rarely displays any signs or symptoms in its early stages. You may start experiencing the symptoms only after your kidneys are in serious condition. Some of the signs and symptoms include:
- High blood pressure
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue and body weakness
- Muscle cramps
- Urination changes
- Nausea and vomiting
- Changes in sleeping routine
The buildup of wastes and fluids may cause difficulties in breathing due to fluid in the lungs. Chest pains may also occur due to the buildup of fluid in your heart.
What treatments can help you manage kidney issues
Once you take your issue to your doctor, you will get a thorough evaluation to check your condition’s severity using diagnostic tests such as kidney biopsies and urinalysis. After getting an accurate diagnosis, your doctor will discuss with you the most effective and appropriate treatment. Some of the treatments include:
- Dialysis
Dialysis is a treatment for severely damaged kidneys and involves filtering wastes and toxins from your bloodstream. The team may conduct hemodialysis, which involves using a machine to filter wastes and excess fluid from your blood. You may also use a dialysis solution and catheter to filter out excess fluid to achieve the same results.
- Diet adjustments
The team may recommend that you reduce the amount of protein intake to lower the amount of waste in your bloodstream, reducing the pressure put on your kidneys.
- Prescribed medication
The team may prescribe some anti-inflammatory medicines, medication for high cholesterol, and medications to maintain your blood pressure at an acceptable level.
- Kidney transplant surgery
If your kidney has lost its function entirely, you may need a transplant. After the transplant, you have to take prescribed medicines for a lifetime to prevent your body from rejecting the kidney.
Do not let your kidneys dictate your life; find relief fast with Houston Kidney Specialists Center. For more information on kidney disease treatments, contact the center via a phone call or schedule your appointment online.