Top 5 Benefits of Medically Supervised Weight Loss

According to the National Institutes of Health, people with a high Body Mass Index (BMI) have a greater chance of developing serious conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It is, thus, no surprise that overweight people often turn to fad diets and exercise trends in an effort to shed the extra pounds. Unfortunately, most of these diets are not as effective as one would hope, which is where El Centro weight loss comes in. This article highlights the benefits of a weight loss program steered by medical professionals.

1. Complete Medical Evaluation

The main advantage of medically supervised weight loss programs is that you are guaranteed the safety of your health. This is because before you start your weight loss program, your doctor will examine your current physical conditions and screen you for any existing health conditions such as hypertension. In principle, this step is very important as it helps determine the type of diet and weight loss exercises that your doctor will give you.

2. Customized Diet Plan

With a medical weight loss program, you get to work with a certified medical professional who will examine your current physique and create a weight loss program that would be convenient to you. Furthermore, your doctor will make the necessary changes to your food choices to ensure you productively use the calories you take in without giving up all your favorite foods.

3. Customized Exercise Regimen

If you have not been following your comprehensive exercise and diet weight loss plan, your medical professional can design a weight loss program that will be simple for you to complete. For example, they may decide to start you off with a slow walk and gradually with faster and longer walks as your endurance and lung capacity improves.

4. Habit Formation

At the beginning of your weight loss program, you may find it overwhelming to develop good habits that include changing your diet and increasing your activity levels. This could cause you to give up on your weight loss program. However, with medically supervised weight loss programs, your doctors will be committed to make your weight loss program easier and help you achieve your weight loss goals with minimum effort. Furthermore, due to the reliable support from your health professionals, you may end up forming new healthy habits.

5. Double Results

The final and maybe the most exciting benefit of a medically supervised weight loss program is that you will be able to see and feel your weight loss achievements. You may not immediately notice your weight loss results, but you will begin to feel more energetic and healthier within the first few weeks. You will also comfortably carry out your daily activities and your self-esteem will be improved.


Are you tired of the many hours of exercise and the numerous healthy diets you take that seem to be non-effective for your overweight problem? Then, you should seek medically guided weight loss advice from Prabhdeep Singh, MD, FACP. Dr. Singh is a highly skilled and experienced internal medicine physician who works in El Centro, California. For more information about his services, you can schedule an appointment online or contact his office today.