Top Fintech Lead generation trends to drive business growth

Events have always been a significant source of leads used by fintech marketing agencies for the FinTech and Financial Services industries. However, given how the events industry has changed, marketing teams must update their strategy and consider various channels and methods for generating high-quality online and offline leads. We highlight 6 top FinTech lead-generating trends and tactics fintech marketing agencies use to create a strong pipeline.

Why must businesses modernize their lead generation strategies?

The pandemic made it more urgent for companies to update their lead-generating tactics. The financial services sector has been too dependent on events, antiquated business development strategies, and outmoded CMS and CRM platforms. Many businesses lacked the severely out-of-date infrastructure to handle the effects.

Businesses must make difficult choices about whether to invest in long-overdue system upgrades with or without the help of any fintech marketing agency like Voxturr. But modernization is needed across the board, not just in technology. It’s time to toss out the outdated guide and rethink your strategy for generating FinTech leads. Browse our top FinTech lead-generating trends below, or get some ideas from our brand-new guide on lead-creation strategy for financial services.

Trends in generating FinTech leads to fill your pipeline.

Here are our top 6 lead-generating trends for FinTech businesses based on the suggestions of fintech marketing agency experts and some wise advice on modernizing your lead-generation plans.

  1. Reevaluating the event-based lead generation strategy for the fintech industry

Due to the pandemic, several events had to be postponed, which forced companies to reconsider their lead generation plans and reallocate their expenditures. While some significant FinTech and Financial Services events have returned, many now only occur online or as hybrid events.

As a means of lead generation for FinTech, the fintech marketing agency experts say you should seize the chance to host and participate in online events, virtual conferences, and webinars. Traditional events are costly, time-consuming, and don’t always provide good value for money. Big industry gatherings might be risky if you don’t have significant finances or are a well-known company.

  1. Making use of video content

Nowadays, according to the fintech marketing agency experts, video is an essential component of a marketer’s toolset, particularly for FinTech and product-based businesses. There are many fantastic possibilities to use video to demonstrate the value of your goods and services.

Practical examples of how you can use video for FinTech lead creation are as follows:

  • Educative videos
  • Tutorials
  • tutorial videos
  • Informational material
  • Consistent thought-provoking series
  • Webinar replays
  • Case studies and testimonies

The possibilities are unlimited, and films are effective at making points stick.

  1. Thought leadership

These days, it’s critical to establish yourself as a thought leader in your field, especially for SaaS or high-value products. Gaining the trust and authority of your audience and establishing your brand as a thought leader can be highly beneficial for decision-making.

How do you approach this, then? Utilize the specialists in your company and work with colleagues, partners, and well-known business leaders. Effective strategies for gaining the confidence of your target audience include publishing insightful articles and enhancing your brand’s visibility through guest blogging or industry reports.

For FinTech brands, social listening might be an excellent way to generate leads. Participate in essential industry discussions and be active on various social media platforms.

  1. Elements of trust

In the financial services sector, trust is a crucial commodity. Thus, including trust-related elements in your website and marketing content aids in guiding leads down the sales funnel. Our financial marketing experts talked about how trust can be developed through thought leadership. Other elements that affect trust include:

  • Quotes and videos from testimonies
  • Use instances and case studies
  • User testimonials
  • Free samples or trials
  • Interactive materials, including calculators

Trust is an important factor when deciding to buy financial goods and services.

  1. User data gathering

Starting with your data, generate quality FinTech leads. Growth marketing agency experts suggest utilizing your CRM and conducting thorough user research to better comprehend your consumers’ requirements. Are you receiving enough user data and insights from your CRM? Or is it preventing you? Please speak with our staff to get a CRM evaluation of your current system. Use marketing tools like Hotjar, SEMrush, Moz, and BuzzSumo to understand search trends, market trends, and user behavior.

  1. Making decisions based on your data to direct FinTech lead generation efforts

Growth marketing agency experts say to create lead generation campaigns, optimize your content, landing pages, CTAs, email workflows, and more using the data and insights you learn from your research, CRM, and analytics systems.

One of the most crucial resources at your disposal is your user insights. User needs are the primary focus of high-performing websites and efficient FinTech lead generation techniques. You can also use these insights to maximize the return on investment from your PPC campaigns and paid social media activity.


The contemporary lead generation strategies for FinTech organizations will give them new life and assist you in building a strong leadership pipeline. For businesses in the fintech and financial services industries, fintech marketing agency experts like Voxturr offers various lead generation services. Why not contact our knowledgeable team immediately to discuss our services?

One of the most well-known digital growth marketing agencies is Voxturr. We help companies create efficient lead generation plans for the FinTech industry and generate high-quality leads using tried-and-true inbound marketing techniques and a growth-oriented strategy. Contact our lead generation specialists right away! We can assist you with modernizing your operations, improving your lead pipeline, and reducing the coronavirus’s effects.