Using TMS to Fight Depression

Anyone struggling with depression often loses all hope of ever feeling better. Each day becomes a challenge, and completing basic tasks takes an overwhelming amount of time and energy. Fortunately, help remains available for people in this situation. It’s a matter of finding what works for the individual. Many people today see improvement in their symptoms with depression treatment in the form of transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy or TMS.

What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy involves the use of magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells located in the brain. Medical experts believe the stimulation of these cells activates portions of the brain experiencing decreased activity. By stimulating these areas, practitioners can improve the patient’s mood while reducing the symptoms of depression.

Symptoms of Depression

Depression symptoms vary by person. Furthermore, depression isn’t a single disease. It actually appears in many forms. However, medical experts diagnose a person with depression when they exhibit five or more of the following symptoms for a minimum of two weeks.

  • Feelings of hopelessness, sadness, or emptiness
  • Drastic changes in sleep patterns and appetite
  • Persistent lethargy or a lack of energy
  • An inability to concentrate, remember things, or make decisions
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Physical complaints that cannot be explained
  • Anxiety, irritability, and anger
  • No interest in normal activities
  • Indifference

How TMS Therapy Helps Individuals Suffering from Depression

Depression affects every area of a person’s life. Some patients find their symptoms improve after making lifestyle changes, engaging in psychotherapy, or taking medications prescribed by their medical team. However, certain individuals find their symptoms persist even when they try several depression treatments.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy benefits many of those individuals. It does so by revitalizing the areas of the brain that control mood. In addition, the treatment improves communication within the person’s central nervous system. Research shows the effects of TMS are long-lasting and positive, even in those who found other treatment options provided no benefits.

Obtaining TMS Therapy

Men and women want more information before agreeing to TMS therapy. Each session takes less than 30 minutes, and the treatment is completely non-invasive. The patient doesn’t need to be sedated during the treatment session. They remain awake and alert at all times.

Furthermore, TMS therapy comes with few side effects. Some patients find they have a headache following treatment or feel lightheaded. Scalp discomfort has also been reported following TMS therapy. However, these side effects resolve quickly. A patient can resume their normal activities immediately following a session, and the doctor determines how many sessions are needed and the frequency, range of stimulation, and intensity of each session.

A Common Problem

Individuals suffering from depression need help. They cannot overcome this condition on their own. However, many people hesitate to seek treatment because they are embarrassed. Nobody should be, as more than 17 million individuals in America receive this diagnosis every year. Speak to your doctor today about TMS therapy. It may be the treatment you need to ease your symptoms of depression and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Men and women who have no success with other treatments for depression frequently obtain relief with the help of TMS therapy. It never hurts to try something new, particularly when a positive outcome will have a tremendous impact on the patient’s life. Talk to your doctor today about this treatment option.