Ways to Make Online Training More Engaging

In today’s fast-paced business world, companies need to provide their employees with ongoing training and development opportunities to keep up with the changing industry trends and stay ahead of the competition. Online training for employees has emerged as a popular option for corporate training as it offers several benefits, such as cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and scalability. However, the success of online training largely depends on how engaging and effective the training programs are in helping learners acquire new skills and knowledge.

Here are some ways to make online training more engaging, with examples from leading corporate training companies:

  1. Incorporate Gamification

Gamification is a powerful tool that uses game-like elements such as quizzes, challenges, and rewards to make the learning experience more interactive and motivating. By introducing gamification into online training, learners are more likely to engage with the content, retain information, and enjoy the learning experience.

For instance, Dale Carnegie Training, a global training company that offers leadership, communication, and sales training, has a gamified learning platform called “My Dale Carnegie.” The platform includes a variety of interactive features, such as quizzes, challenges, and points-based rewards, to encourage learners to stay engaged and motivated. The platform also includes a leaderboard that displays the top performers, creating a sense of healthy competition and achievement.

  1. Use Multimedia Content

Multimedia content, such as videos, infographics, and interactive animations, can enhance the online learning experience by making the content more visually appealing and easier to understand. This approach is particularly effective in engaging visual learners who tend to learn better through visual aids.

For example, Cornerstone OnDemand, a leading provider of cloud-based learning and talent management solutions, offers a range of multimedia content in their training programs, including videos, podcasts, and interactive simulations. By incorporating multimedia elements, Cornerstone OnDemand is able to create a more engaging and immersive learning experience for their learners.

Similarly, LinkedIn Learning, a popular online learning platform that offers thousands of courses on various topics, uses short video tutorials to deliver bite-sized learning to its users. The videos are typically less than five minutes long, making it easier for learners to digest the information and retain it.

  1. Personalize the Learning Experience

Personalizing the learning experience can make online training more engaging by tailoring the content to meet the individual needs and preferences of each learner. Adaptive learning technologies use data analytics to track learners’ progress and adjust the content accordingly, creating a customized learning experience for each individual learner.

IBM, a global technology company that offers training on a variety of topics, uses an AI-powered learning platform called Watson to deliver personalized training to its employees. The platform uses data analytics to track learners’ progress, interests, and learning styles to create a personalized learning experience. This approach not only makes the training more engaging, but also more effective in helping learners acquire new skills and knowledge.

  1. Foster Peer-to-Peer Learning

Peer-to-peer learning is a powerful way to make online training more engaging by encouraging learners to share their knowledge and expertise with each other. By creating a collaborative learning environment, learners are able to engage with the content, learn from their peers, and exchange ideas and best practices.

SAP, a multinational software company that offers enterprise software and digital transformation solutions, has a social learning platform called SAP Jam that allows employees to collaborate and share knowledge with each other. The platform includes features such as discussion forums, knowledge-sharing communities, and online mentoring, creating a vibrant learning community that supports ongoing learning and development.

  1. Provide Ongoing Support

Providing ongoing support can help learners stay engaged during online training by giving them access to the resources and assistance they need to address any questions or challenges they may encounter. By offering ongoing support, learners are more likely to feel supportedand motivated to continue learning, even after the initial training program is complete.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), a subsidiary of Amazon that provides cloud computing services, offers a range of resources to support ongoing learning and development for its employees. This includes a dedicated learning portal that provides access to training materials, online courses, and certifications, as well as a community forum where employees can ask questions and share knowledge with each other. AWS also offers ongoing coaching and mentoring to help employees apply their new skills and knowledge to their work.

In conclusion, online training has become an essential component of corporate learning and development. To make the training programs more engaging and effective, it is important to incorporate gamification, use multimedia content, personalize the learning experience, foster peer-to-peer learning, and provide ongoing support. By following these best practices, companies can ensure that their employees receive high-quality training that is not only informative, but also engaging and enjoyable.