What Is Managed VPS Hosting?

When websites outgrow their Shared Server Hosting space and resources, the next common web hosting service opted for by many is VPS Server Hosting. With the increase in web traffic and customer base, VPS Web Hosting offers dedicated and exclusive server resources to websites, enabling faster performance and page loading speed. 

VPS Hosting offers powerful hosting features, including robust security, high performance, enhanced scalability, full root access, and more at a price affordable than Dedicated Hosting. 

However, not every website owner who opts for this solution is a technical expert or can afford professionals to help them manage and customize their VPS Servers. This is where Managed VPS Hosting plays an important role. 

In this article, we discuss what Managed VPS Hosting is and its advantages to businesses. 

What is Managed VPS Hosting

Managed VPS Hosting is a VPS Hosting service where the web hosting company handles all the server backend and management tasks. 

Everything from software installation, security, updating the core to performing backups, all these server maintenance tasks are handled efficiently by the web hosting provider when businesses opt for a Managed VPS Server.

It is optimal for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and startups that can’t afford an in-house expert IT team or trained professionals. 

Thus, with this hosting choice, businesses have peace of mind knowing their server is maintained and managed by their hosting company, allowing them to invest the rest of their time and energy in growing their business further. 

Generally, most Managed VPS packages offer the following: 

  • Initial set-up and server provisioning
  • Security software installation 
  • Regular offsite server backups
  • Control panel and server management tools 
  • Security patches and regular updates 
  • On-demand malware scans
  • Instant hardware and software issue resolution 
  • Uptime guarantee
  • 24/7 support service

Benefits of Managed VPS Hosting

Managed VPS plans offer the following benefits to the businesses. 

  • Seamless management 

Businesses need not worry about the technical aspects of web hosting, as the hosting provider effectively takes care of the server management and maintenance. 

This frees up a lot of time for website owners to focus on branding and build their businesses even more. 

  • Instant server and resource provisioning 

Many reliable VPS Hosting providers offer instant server set-up right after you purchase the plan. In addition, immediately after the server is set up, server resources, such as CPU, RAM, OS, etc., are also instantly allocated by the hosting company. 

In addition, it also allows businesses to scale the resources changing traffic requirements easily. 

  • Reliable security

The web hosting company uses the latest technologies and takes utmost measures to keep the Managed VPS hosted websites secure from potential hackers and cyber attacks. 

Since it is the hosting company’s responsibility, website owners need not worry about security or hire professionals to do so. 

  • Cost-effective 

Although Managed VPS Hosting costs more than an Unmanaged VPS Hosting solution, comparing it with Dedicated Hosting makes it a reliable and affordable solution for businesses who wish to opt for Managed Hosting services. 

In addition, it also eliminates the need to hire technical experts for server maintenance, saving a lot of business revenue. 


Managed VPS Hosting is increasingly gaining popularity for its ease of use, ease of management, enhanced security, performance boost, and more reliable features. 

So, if you own a business intending to focus on its further growth and brand development, opt for a suitable Managed Hosting with cPanel or another preferable control panel to leverage top-notch support, seamless management, and more.