What is the Chakra meditation and how to do it?

Chakra meditation is an activation, relaxation, and balancing of the seven chakras. It’s suggested so to increase understanding of one’s spirituality and energy in the body and can be integrated into a wider practice of energy healing.

Meditation is part of Yoga, an ancient Indian system to keep one in the finest state. It helps one to have better concentration, a flexible and healthy body and a stable mind. The best part of meditation is anyone can do it as per convenience and own schedule and at any place wherever he or she is comfortable. In meditation, the chakra activation holds immense significance as it can help one in multiple ways. However, it needs regular practice and a good amount of concentration.

Chakra meditation often refers to a particular style of meditation that focuses on every chakra, both individually and sequentially. Meditators encourage each of the various chakras by also using specialized practices. Whatever the case, chakra meditation is considered a strong and enhanced practice. It can be performed by one at any stage of age but recommended to go for it under the supervision of an expert. There are seven chakras in the human body as per this system and each chakra represents a specific set of benefits. One can activate them in a sequence only and that too after regular practice. Activation of chakra means you have reached a higher level of mediation and can get desired benefits of the concerned chakra easily.

7 main chakras and emotions related to them:

  1. Muladhara Chakra – at the base of the spine- for inertia and enthusiasm
  2. Swadishthana Chakra – behind the genitals- for creativity, ingenuity.
  3. Manipura Chakra – in the belly button region- for happiness, greed, and jealousy
  4. Anahata Chakra – in the heart region- is related to love, hate and heartbreak.
  5. Vishuddhi Chakra – near the thyroid-related to gratefulness
  6. Ajna Chakra – in the region between the two eyebrows- related to anger and awareness
  7. Sahasrara Chakra – at the forehead- radiates joy and bliss.

How to do Chakra Meditation?

These are some steps that help you balance your chakra energies:

  1. Chakra Meditation starts with sitting properly, in a comfortable posture. Then you have to concentrate on every area of your body from your feet. You relax and allow the stress to drain out.
  2. The second stage is to focus on your breath.   Observe the oxygen that enters your lungs and enters the bloodstream. Imagine the toxins that you exhale with each breath and nourishes the whole of your body’s muscles, organs, and cells.
  3. Now you have to imagine your heartbeat, try to connect every organ with heart functions.
  4. Now you imagine the energy that gives life in the form of air. feel how this energy moves in and out of the body. Let this aura grow slowly.
  5. Next in chakra meditations – should focus on every chakra, start from root chakra how the energy flows in the directions upwards by aligning with the breathing and then ends on the crown chakra.
  6. The final stage in chakra meditation is to imagine all of the chakras that come from the air and the ground as a result of the energy. This is a very nice, elevating feeling, trying to practice 15-30 minutes each session.

Chakra meditation and mindfulness

Like chakra meditation, mindfulness is a practice that aims eventually not just to provide a strong foundation for immediate health advantages, reduced stress, but to alter ourselves.   attention has to be focused and a balance between desire and calm.

In contrast to chakra meditation, consciousness demands no specific faith save a conviction in the possible benefits of the exercise. Mindfulness means more to experience the current moment as for now. Mindworks Meditation programs offer a comprehensive picture of these techniques and their philosophy to understand more about consciousness and where that conscious journey goes.

Amazing chakra meditation – why is it called that?

Some amazing benefits of chakra meditation are:

  1. It builds the ability to be compassionate with all living beings.
  2. It develops good willpower and increases self-love.
  3. It takes you from negative to positive.
  4. It helps you to heal on your own.
  5. Build self-worth
  6. It helps you to accept your deeds.
  7. It pulls confidence to choose what you want.
  8. It helps you to control and express your emotions.
  9. It makes the mind more focused and clearer.
  10. Last but not the least, it eases your anxiety level.