What types of a medical condition does your ophthalmologist treat?

Eye specialists who are also actual physicians- medical doctors . They attend medical school so they are physicians first then spend additional residency training focusing on medical and surgical diseases of the eye. Ophthalmologist are unique as they are both physicians and surgeons .

 Ophthalmologist focus on medical and surgical care of your visual system and eyes to prevent major diseases and injuries. Although they are trained to provide total visual care, including standard vision and examination services, these medical eye doctors spend most of their time treating more serious conditions, common diseases and disorders that cause a visual disturbance. Here are the most common ones 


It is a leading cause of blindness; glaucoma is a type of disease that strikes your optical nerve causing gradual vision loss. The last survey reveals a shocking fact that more than 3 million people in America were living with this disease. Because glaucoma can cause irreversible damage to eyesight, therefore, it must be treated as soon as possible. An experienced ophthalmologist may prescribe drops or pills to prevent permanent vision impairment. If medication does not achieve the desired result, then glaucoma laser surgery will be the only option. 


A common age-related condition; cataract is a cloudy area that forms on the lens of the eyes. If it left untreated, then it can diminish visual acuity to a significant level. The good news is that they are almost 100% treatable with a simple surgical procedure.

Retinal diseases

There is a layer of nerve cells at the back of the eyeball “wallpaper of the eye” is the retina. The , retina delivers light impulses to the brain when they are recognized as visual images. It is an extremely delicate, intrinsic structure which causes retina vulnerable to a number of diseases and disorders. Perhaps the most common among all is age-related macular degeneration. This disease affects a small area at the centre of the retina called the causing macular decline in visual acuity. An estimate 15 million Americans are struggling with this disease on a daily basis. As long as they caught early conditions that strike the retina and can be managed successfully with medical treatment.

Corneal Problems

Another extremely sensitive structure, the cornea is a clear window of the eye that covers pupil and iris. From dryness to scratches to inflammation, there are several things that can cause corneal issues. Whether the condition is results of an infection or injury, an ophthalmologist will most likely prescribed antibiotic drops or ointment to treat these common problems.

Dry eye

Insufficient moisture in eyes leads to itching, redness and pain from dry spots on the surface, commonly refer with the term dry eyes. Due to this issue, eyes become irritated and dry and don’t produce an ample amount of tears which indirectly cause a chemical imbalance.

People usually start experiencing dry eyes syndrome as they age, but this condition can also be the result of long term medications, injuries or auto/ immune diseases Dry eyes are not only painful but over time can also cause severe damage to tissues and result in impaired vision. However, many treatment options are available that an experienced ophthalmologist in Hudson NY can prescribe.  There is a non-surgical treatment for dry eyes, including blinking exercises, suggestions like increasing humidity at work or home and use of artificial moisturizing ointment. But if this method fails, then small punctal plugs may be inserted in the corner of the eye through surgery to limit tear drainage. Eyelid surgery can also be an effective solution if your eyelid condition is causing you dry eyes.

 At Hudson Ophthalmology, we treat most of the eye conditions through medication and not surgical approaches. Some more severe and complex cases may require surgery to restore eye health and reduce the risk of complication. Dr Marcelin, Ophthalmologist in Westchester, performs surgeries usually reserved for chronic conditions like corneal diseases, glaucoma cataracts and others.  At Hudson Ophthalmology, we use most advanced invasive techniques to promote effective results and minimal downtimes.