Which of the Following is Part of the Integrated Ethics Model

The Integrated Ethics Model (IEM) is a multidisciplinary approach that has been devised to handle ethical issues within various industries, including but not limited to healthcare, business, and technology. The model draws upon a number of different philosophical, psychological, and sociological theories and approaches to ethics, integrating them into a coherent framework that can be applied across a range of different contexts. In this article, we’ll examine the core elements that constitute the Integrated Ethics Model.

Introduction to the Integrated Ethics Model

The Integrated Ethics Model encourages an organization to take a broad and comprehensive approach to ethics, emphasizing not just the resolution of individual ethical issues as they arise, but also the fostering of a healthy ethical culture within the organization. This involves proactive efforts to identify and manage potential ethical risks, ensure the ethical conduct of all members of the organization, and ensure that ethical considerations are an integral part of decision-making processes at all levels of the organization.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the key components that make up the Integrated Ethics Model.

1. Theoretical Frameworks

The Integrated Ethics Model is based on a number of different theoretical frameworks, each providing a unique perspective on ethical issues. These frameworks typically include:

  • Deontological Ethics: This approach focuses on the moral duties and rules that should guide behavior. Actions are considered ethical if they adhere to established moral norms, regardless of their consequences.
  • Consequentialism: In contrast to deontological ethics, consequentialism holds that the morality of an action should be judged solely by its consequences. The most well-known form of consequentialism, utilitarianism, advocates for actions that maximize overall happiness.
  • Virtue Ethics: This approach emphasizes the development of moral character and virtues. According to virtue ethics, ethical behavior flows naturally from a virtuous character.

By integrating these diverse theoretical frameworks, the Integrated Ethics Model can offer a comprehensive and nuanced approach to ethical issues.

2. Ethical Decision-Making Processes

The Integrated Ethics Model provides a systematic process for making ethical decisions. This typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identification of the Ethical Issue: The first step in any ethical decision-making process is recognizing that an ethical issue exists.
  2. Information Gathering: This involves collecting all relevant facts and information about the issue, including the stakeholders involved and the potential consequences of different actions.
  3. Analysis: In this step, the ethical issue is analyzed in light of the relevant theoretical frameworks. This involves considering the issue from a deontological, consequentialist, and virtue ethics perspective.
  4. Decision: Based on the analysis, a decision is made on the best course of action.
  5. Action: The decision is implemented.
  6. Review: After the action has been taken, it’s important to review the decision and its outcomes to learn from the experience and refine the decision-making process.

3. Cultivating an Ethical Culture

The Integrated Ethics Model emphasizes the importance of creating a culture within the organization that values ethical behavior. This involves developing systems and processes to encourage ethical behavior, providing ethics education and training, and establishing a safe environment in which ethical issues can be discussed openly.

4. Ethical Leadership

Leadership plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining an ethical culture within an organization. Ethical leaders not only model ethical behavior themselves but also encourage it in others. They foster an environment of trust, respect, and integrity, promoting openness, transparency, and accountability.

5. Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and the community, are a crucial part of the Integrated Ethics Model. The model emphasizes the importance of engaging stakeholders in ethical decision-making processes, considering their interests and perspectives, and communicating effectively with them about ethical issues and decisions.


In conclusion, the Integrated Ethics Model offers a comprehensive and flexible framework for addressing ethical issues. By integrating diverse theoretical frameworks, providing a systematic process for ethical decision-making, promoting an ethical culture, emphasizing ethical leadership, and engaging stakeholders, it provides organizations with the tools they need to manage ethical issues effectively and responsibly. The power of the Integrated Ethics Model lies in its adaptability, allowing it to be applied across a range of different contexts and industries.