Why Getting Help from Immigration Firms for Your PR Application Worth It?

What did you dream of when you were a kid? 

This question alone must have resurfaced your childhood memories about wanting to become an astronaut or a scientist. However, as you grew up, these have changed to dreams that are attainable and more grounded to the reality you are living in. While some people might think that it is unfortunate for you to lose such big dreams, what they do not know is that your new dreams are just as big, and one of them is to get approval from ICA Singapore for your PR application!

Becoming a Permanent Resident of Singapore is a widely coveted dream by many foreigners. To live in one of the four Little Dragons of Asia, people work and study hard to meet the application requirements of becoming a legal resident of the country. It is what it takes to acquire the high chances of getting PR immigration status! Moreso, if you were successful, you would never feel out of place. With the many Chinese, Malay, Indians, and Europeans living here, the established communities are welcoming, including locals. Thus, the effort and the need to go all out to get that approved document that officiates you as a PR of Singapore are worth it.


Why Singapore’s Success Entices Foreigners to Live There?

Singapore’s successful economy is not a secret. It has been widely recognised and studied by many critics. Impactful leaders have curved corruption and placed a nurturing education system in priority which has put Singapore to its success. Soon enough, people have recognised and got attracted to living in such a country that puts people first.

Even with the complicated processes of becoming a PR and the years it takes to be eligible and have a chance to get an ICA Singapore Citizenship application, foreigners will invest in themselves and in immigration services to live in the country! Here are the qualities of Singapore that never fails to entice anyone to pursue their PR application:

Several-career-opportunitiesSeveral career opportunities

The highly developed economy of the country was not achieved overnight. With both the government and the private sector, they played crucial roles in making the nation the most open economy in the world. Financial services are one of the biggest industries in the country, and if it is an industry that you work in or it is an industry you want to be a part of, you would want to pave that way by working on getting a Professionals/Technical Personnel & Skilled Worker scheme or the PTS scheme. Other flourishing industries in the country you might want to know are: 

  • Energy and Infrastructure
  • Biotechnology
  • Tourism
  • Information and communications technology

Comfortable standard of living

A worldwide survey from Global Law and Order reports that, in 2018, Singapore has scored a high 97, indicating that citizens felt safe walking alone at night. In confidence, personal safety is an impactful element in the standards of living. You and your family will be secured knowing that there are low crime rates, a transparent legal system, and a reliable police force that is surrounding your everyday life. It is enough reason that foreigners desire to live here!

High-quality education

Do you have children or are you planning to have one in the future? If so, you would want them to experience and get nurtured in Singapore’ developed education system. It is one of the highest in the world by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since it focuses on nurturing student’s problem-solving skills. and the system ensures that parents play in their children’s education as well! If you want your child to learn independence in a remarkable learning environment, Singapore is the country to strive for!

Of course, there are challenges that every PR applicant faces. Whether it is to sacrifice time to get a volunteer in public offices or the need to work overtime to get extra money to pay for your application fee, it would be not easy doing it alone. You will need all the help that you can get, especially the expertise of an experienced immigration advisor from a PR application agency in Singapore!

How-an-Immigration-AgencyHow an Immigration Agency Help in Your PR Application

There is nothing wrong with getting some help, especially if it is a decision that can change you and your family’s life. Being internationally reputed as a multicultural and cosmopolitan nation, Singapore is the country that immigrants, like you, would want to decide to make it your home above all else. 

However, no matter the passion you have, it would not be up to you. The decision lies on the officials, such as the ICA or Immigration & Checkpoints Authority. To persuade them and meet what they require for an aspiring PR, you must get the help of an immigration agency!

Here are what they can do for you:

Check-your-eligibilityCheck your eligibility

With the millions who want to get an approved PR application from ICA, the government has filtered the applicants with strict requirements across the different schemes that can get them immigration status. Before the schemes, you must fall into one of their categories:

  • A holder of an employment pass, S Pass, or Personalised Employment Pass
  • A spouse or an unmarried child of a Singapore Citizen or a PR
  • The aged parents of a Singapore Citizen
  • A student who is studying in a qualified local institution
  • An investor

There are five schemes that you can apply for when you are one of the above. Your immigration agency will, respectively, help you in meeting the essential eligibility criteria of:

  • PTS scheme
  • Sponsored scheme
  • Foreign students scheme
  • Foreign artistic talent scheme (for Arts students)
  • Globe Investor Program scheme (GIP scheme)

Remember that even when you are highly eligible for a scheme, it does not assure that you will not get rejected. What can be comforting is that your hired immigration agency may also help you in how to appeal PR rejection in Singapore!

Organise all document for a hassle-free process

Efficiency is the quality that you can find in an immigration agency. Think of it this way, during your application process, you will still be working in the Singaporean company and you would not have the luxury of time to collate all your required documents. It is when your expert immigration advisor will enter to manage and organise your essential documents!

They have in-depth knowledge and unparalleled experience in the immigration process in the country. It will free up your time to let you focus on all the other things you need to focus on, such as your work performance and saying goodbye to your friends and family.

More than that, trust that you will be involved with the process. People often forget that getting the services of an immigration agency is a partnership. Hence, they will guide you through the process so that you would not have to worry about missing any documents or doing anything incorrectly that could cost a rejection.

Create a personalised cover letter

Immigration agencies have specialists who can strengthen your application, and it is by crafting a personalised cover letter that states your commitment to become a PR. It includes your passion to contribute to the local community and the country as a whole. Eventually, they will be the same people who would give you a boost in your ICA Singapore Citizenship application.

What you must know about ICA is that they do not only approve applicants who are qualified, but they also want a positive and contributing attitude in serving the community and the country. Thus, you would need the boost and good recommendation that an immigration specialist can give you!

Peace of mind and overall involvement in the application

If every step of your application has been completed and reviewed, the immigration agency will then submit your application to ICA. It would take one to two months on average to organise everything in your application, and it would take another four to six months for the authorities to assess your PR application.

During the months of assessment, you will be promised to be the first to get updated with your application. Depending on what will happen in your application, the agency will advise you on what to do next! Thus, sit tight and focus on what is important at the present as your application is in processing.


What Questions to Ask Your PR Application Consultant?

While there may be plenty of immigration agencies that you can approach to achieve your present dream of becoming a PR in Singapore, you must know that only a few can give you that feeling of security and comfort in this challenging time. Hence, in your search to find a reliable immigration agency for your PR application, you must know what to ask them in your consultations. Take note of these questions:


Can you tell me about the immigration policies and PR application process?

You would want to get involved with an immigration consultant who has a sound knowledge of Singaporean immigration laws and policies. An applicant, like you, might only have surface knowledge and learning about the PR application can be overwhelming. Let them simplify what you have to know by asking this question.

How long have you been servicing PR applicants?

You would want to seek an agency that has more than six years of immigration experience. It will assure you that they have sent thousands of foreigners to the desirable living conditions in Singapore. Hence, if you want to be one of them, you should ask this question to know you will be guided by an experienced consultant!

Which immigration scheme may be right for me, and why?

With your employment status, age, profile, possible economic contribution, or length of stay in Singapore, you can only be eligible for one immigration scheme. As mentioned above, there are only five schemes that you can apply for, and your consultant will know what is right for you and why it is right!

What is next after being a PR in Singapore?

If you are looking far ahead into your future, you might want to know how far your dreams can take you. Well, being positive is highly encouraged, and it may give your consultant the urgency of getting you to where you want to be–that is, to become a PR. You may even learn how they appeal if your Singapore Citizenship application gets rejected. Whichever the conversation goes, rest assured that you will know if they are the ones who can guide you in this significant journey in your life!

How do we stay in touch?

You might have other immigration agencies that you would like to talk with, and that is fine! Having more choices in your immigration application will help you in getting more chances in hiring the right people for your dreams to come true. Hence, if you liked how a consultant discussed what they can offer you, be honest and tell them that you are still canvassing for a reliable agency. Remember to keep their contact details secure!


Do You Want Your Singapore Dreams to Become Reality? Get the Help of Singapore Top Immigration!

There is nothing that can compare to the comfort that there are people who want you to succeed. Whether your dream is as grand as becoming an inventor who wants to create an innovative car or simply to become a PR in Singapore, you would know that you can make it as long as you have these people. They can be a partner, family member, or even people from an immigration firm in Singapore.

In Singapore Top Immigration, you will be backed by a team of experienced professionals. They will give you personalised immigration services that match the needs of your PR application situation. From getting approval in your ICA Singapore PR application to getting an appeal in your rejected Singapore Citizen application, you can trust that they will go above and beyond to help you in succeeding your immigration status! 

If you want to check your eligibility for a PR application, they have a form on their website that you can fill up. They will send you a reply to let you know how they can help in improving your chances of getting an ICA approval! 

Visit them at https://singaporetopimmigration.sg/ today!