5 Reasons Pharmacists Love Their Jobs | Monster.com

Pharmacy is an interdisciplinary profession that combines business, science, health care, and computer technology. Careers in pharmacy offer flexible opportunities and fantastic earning potential. More importantly, being a pharmacist allows you to participate in improving global patient care.

Still unconvinced? Here are seven reasons you should pursue a career in pharmacy.

  1. Enhancing patient outcomes

It is estimated that half of all chronically ill patients do not adhere to their prescribed medication dosages and schedules. This can greatly impact their chances of getting better and even increase future hospitalizations.

Pharmacists play a proactive role in achieving better patient outcomes. By building positive relationships with patients, they help reduce hospital readmission rates and disease progression. Pharmacists assigned in hospital rounds and emergency care settings also help prevent prescription errors and reduce costs. They are not only part of the medical care team but are also participating in clinics, providing patients with medication therapy management.

On the other hand, pharmacists in the field of research have access to retrospective data to determine and evaluate patients who do not comply with medications.

  1. Community involvement 

As trusted health advisors, pharmacists can make a difference in the health of the whole community. They can promote the safe use of medications and advise patients on potential side effects of certain medications. Their medical expertise also allows them to provide patients with first aid care and health counseling.

A community pharmacy is often recognized as the central health center by towns without proper hospitals nearby. This makes pharmacists the first point of care. In fact, many patients consult pharmacists for accessible and affordable health care.

  1. Diverse career options 

Pharmacists enjoy a variety of career opportunities that stem from clinical to retail. Their extensive grasp of medical knowledge allows them to work in direct patient care, education, and product development.

While majority of pharmacists work in independent or retail chain community pharmacies, many others have explored jobs in hospitals, nursing homes, and care organizations. Some have also secured jobs in colleges, government agencies, and giant pharmaceutical industries.

Pharmacists also take on key leadership roles in improving the current health care system. They help test the latest medical technologies and drug innovations.

The demand for pharmacists in various capacities are widespread since pharmacies are integral components of neighborhoods and cities throughout the U.S. This makes it easier for pharmaceutical graduates to find a job that will suit their lifestyle and desired location.

While pharmacy licensure is mandatory across U.S. states, the transfer of licensure status may require supplementary tests and criteria. Based on their workload and practice assignment, pharmacists can also take on part-time work. Since work hours are mostly flexible, individuals can also use their extra time to pursue further education or other profitable gigs.

  1. High growth potential 


Key developments are taking place in the world of pharmacy, including pharmacogenomics, specialty medication, and digital marketing advancements like artificial intelligence.

3D printed medication is also set to dominate the pharmaceutical industry as more companies invest towards it. Telehealth technologies are also introducing new avenues for health care training and education.

Additionally, pharmacy schools are innovating their educational tools to increase competency and expertise among future pharmacy professionals. Adopting virtual reality and machine learning techniques in the classroom provides students with a more hands-on approach to difficult medical concepts.

  1. Endless opportunities for education

Apart from licensure, all pharmacists are required to meet a mandatory state requisite for Continuing Education credits. This means all pharmacists are up to date with new treatment guidelines and medical breakthroughs approved for treatment. Most employers provide the required educational funding for their pharmacists.

Pharmacists can also take advantage of online resources and research materials that can broaden their knowledge about recent industry trends. Using telehealth tools can connect them with educators, organizations, and specialists from all parts of the world.

  1. Exposure to state-of-the-art technology 

Recent technological breakthroughs have introduced exciting changes in pharmacy including electronic prescriptions and personalized medication. These advances are designed to enhance global health care and promote patient safety.

Pharmacists also use these technologies to streamline data management while ensuring patients receive the highest level of care. They also use innovative approaches to improve medical therapies and aid in pharmaceutical research. By law, automated dispensing processes should be evaluated by pharmacists for quality control purposes.

  1. Competitive paycheck 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national average salary of a pharmacist in 2019 is $125,510 per year. While most medical graduates have to overcome crushing student loan debt, a pharmacist’s salary provides ample funds to address debt and start anew. Few professions also offer $100,000 salaries immediately out of college.

Combine this with the wealth of career options and job flexibility mentioned above, a career in pharmacy can definitely offer the stability and comfort you need.

Like physicians, pharmacists are experts at helping people stay healthy. Armed with advanced knowledge and training, they pride themselves on being at the forefront of medical innovations and patient-centered health care.