Why Should I See a Vascular Specialist?

Avascular specialist refers to a medical practitioner that specializes in the care of arteries and veins. Although a general practitioner can treat different vascular conditions, a vascular specialist has advanced education, clinical training, and experience to offer the best care concerning this field of medicine. With a board-certified vascular specialist, you can receive the care you need at Dr. White’s Vein Center and Morgantown SculpSure & Clear Ink, PLLC. They can help treat or prevent various vein problems.

Why See a Vein Specialist?

Although general physicians can treat different conditions, vein specialists focus entirely on vein conditions. They have the proper training and certification to manage various diseases affecting the vascular system. They have the expertise needed to perform minimally invasive procedures to address vascular conditions and their different causes.

While general physicians list vascular conditions as some of their problems, vein specialists deal only with vascular conditions. With their knowledge regarding the circulatory system, they can diagnose, manage, and treat different vascular issues.

What Does a Vein Specialist Treat?

Vascular specialists treat many different vein problems, including:

  • Varicose Veins

You may need to see a specialist if you have enlarged veins that cause pain. Additionally, you need medical intervention if you experience tired legs accompanied by swelling around the ankles. Suppose you have chronic venous insufficiency due to varicose veins. In that case, you can experience increased blood pressure in the veins, which causes insufficient blood flow to other parts, which may cause skin irritation and discoloration. Other reasons for you to see a vein specialist if you have varicose veins include leg wounds taking longer to heal or healing incompletely and knotty or bulging veins.

  1. Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis results from the formation of a blood clot in one or multiple deep veins. It can cause pain or swelling in the legs but can also occur without showing any symptoms. You can develop deep vein thrombosis if you do not move for a long time due to bed rest, traveling over long distances, or after an accident or surgery. You can also develop deep vein thrombosis due to some medical conditions that may affect your blood clots.

You should see a specialist if you experience shortness of breath, chest pain, lightheadedness, quick pulse, fast breathing, and coughing blood.

  1. Venous Ulcers

Venous ulcers are leg ulcers resulting from problems with blood flow in the veins in your legs. Unlike wounds resulting from injuries, venous ulcers may not heal unless you get proper treatment. It can occur due to chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. If you have venous ulcers, make sure you clean the wound regularly and apply a dresser. You should see a vein specialist for more effective treatment.

Vein specialists focus on treating issues affecting arteries and veins. While a general physician can handle vein problems as part of their practice, vascular specialists deal solely with vein problems. They treat different conditions such as venous ulcers, varicose veins, and deep vein thrombosis.