5 Reasons Why Horizontal Drilling is a Better Choice

There are many ways to install pipelines and underground utilities. Some companies dig deep trenches in order to lay the pipeline in place. However, this method can be very expensive because of all the manpower and heavy equipment involved.

In addition, the digging can take a long time to complete. Another common practice involves drilling holes through solid rock to create a path for the pipelines, but this method is also time consuming and expensive. Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a more efficient way of installing pipelines.

Many underground construction projects shift to HDD practice for several reasons, one being it has little to no disruption to the environment.

The ground that needs to be traversed or dug up can be saved as it does not have to be done before the pipeline is laid. This saves on costs of clearing the ground.

A small hole can be made by directional horizontal drilling rather than a large hole as with trenching. The smaller holes are cheaper to make and closer together, thus reducing cost of materials such as concrete for backfill.

Trenching takes longer, because it involves digging out an entire area and then laying the pipeline. HDD does not have to dig up the entire ground, but only a small part of it eventually lays the pipeline at that point.

HDD is more cost efficient than trenching or drilling into solid rock. The machine can be left in place and used again for future projects without much cost involved in changing over.

The machines used to install pipelines using HDD are less cumbersome and easy to maneuver.

Laying a pipeline can be done with ease using the smaller machines that use horizontal drill technology. This makes it possible for any company, no matter how small or large, to lay pipelines over long distances.

The machinery is also reliable and well-built enough to withstand the rough conditions of under-ground installation. The machinery is also environmentally friendly, as there are no chemicals or toxins that would contaminate the ground.

There are many ways to install pipelines, but HDD is one of the most efficient and least expensive methods available. Manufacturers have recognized this fact and are now producing machines that can save companies costs and time when laying a pipeline.

HDD is a better way to lay pipelines, and companies that recognize this will save money in the long run.

Cost-benefit analysis backs up directional horizontal drilling as a great investment for any company looking to install pipelines at low costs and minimum hassle.

Horizontal drilling is much more economical and efficient than the conventional, open-cut method. Vertical wells are also known as ‘strip’ or ‘open hole’ methods. HDDs require only about 20% of the time compared to strip mining and they provide a better return on investment in the long run.

HDDs are relatively quick and have safer operations than traditional trenching.

While it does not entirely eliminate the need for excavation, it significantly reduces the environmental issue of topsoil removal and disposal. It also prevents land damage through surface depressions that occur in strip mining. In addition to this, HDD is much safer than strip mining as there are little to no risks of ground collapse.

Another advantage of horizontal drilling is that it allows the user to reach multiple layers of oil- and gas-containing rock at once, instead of having to dig a separate pit for each layer. This reduces the time needed per well significantly and prevents overuse of land by digging over large areas.

HDDs prevent much of the land damage and disruption that would occur in open-cut methods

It requires little to no topsoil removal, therefore allowing the land to be used for other purposes after extraction. This reduces erosion which leads to sedimentation and nutrient loss into local waterways. The lack of excavation also prevents the risk of collapse, thus avoiding land disruption and any damage to surface or underground wells.


When considering the installation of underground utilities, such as pipelines and fiber optic cables, HDD is a viable option in certain circumstances. However site constraints often dictate which building method will best suit your needs; if you have both open-cut and HDD available onsite then it may be worth exploring other options before committing to one or the other.