Organising a corporate event in Australia can be a daunting task, especially for those who have never done it before. With so many details to consider, from choosing the venue to selecting the menu, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, with some planning and preparation, you can ensure that your corporate event is a success. Here are five tips that can help first-time event planners get started on the right track.

Define the goal of the event

Defining the goal of a corporate event is crucial to its success. The goal serves as a roadmap for all the planning and preparation that follows. It sets the tone and direction for the event and ensures that all decisions align with the overall objective. Without a clear goal, the event may lack direction and purpose, and attendees may leave feeling unsatisfied.

When defining the goal, it’s important to think about the purpose of the event and what the organisation hopes to achieve. Is the event meant to celebrate a milestone, launch a new product, or foster team building among employees? Once the goal is established, it’s easier to determine the type of event that will best achieve it, such as a cocktail reception, a conference, or a team-building retreat. The goal should also influence the venue, the guest list, and the activities and programs that are included in the event. By keeping the goal in mind throughout the planning process, event planners can ensure that their corporate event is both meaningful and successful.

Find a suitable venue

Finding a suitable venue for a corporate event is an important step in the professional planning process. When choosing a venue, several factors should be considered, including the size and capacity, location, and availability.

The size and capacity of the venue should match the number of attendees and the type of event you are hosting. Consider the layout and flow of the space, and make sure it will accommodate your needs for seating, registration, and any other activities you have planned.

The location of the venue should be convenient for your attendees and easily accessible. Take into account the proximity to public transportation and parking options, as well as any overnight accommodations that may be needed for out-of-town or non-Australian attendees.

Finally, availability is key when choosing a venue. Be sure to check the calendar and make sure the venue is available on your preferred date, and consider booking well in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Create a reasonable budget

Creating a reasonable budget for a corporate event is essential for ensuring its success. It helps to allocate resources efficiently and prevents overspending, which can lead to financial strain for the organisation. When creating a budget, event planners should consider all of the expenses associated with the event, including venue rental, food and beverage, decorations, audio-visual equipment, and transportation.

To create a budget, it’s helpful to start with a comprehensive list of all the expenses that will be incurred. This list can then be used to estimate the cost of each item, taking into account any discounts or deals that may be available. It’s important to set aside contingency funds for unexpected expenses, such as last-minute changes or additional guests. The budget should also consider any revenue that may be generated from ticket sales or sponsorships. By creating a realistic budget, event planners can ensure that the corporate event is both enjoyable and financially feasible.

Get some help with the organisation

Getting organising help for a corporate event is an effective way to ensure its success, especially for first-time event planners. There are many options for support, including hiring a professional event planner, enlisting the help of volunteers, or delegating tasks to a team within the organisation.

Hiring a professional event planner can be an excellent investment, especially for large or complex events. Local event services in Australia have the expertise and resources to handle all aspects of the organisation, from selecting the venue to coordinating transportation. They can also help to manage the budget and handle any challenges that arise during the planning process.

Enlisting the help of volunteers is another option for event organisers. By delegating tasks to volunteers, event planners can ensure that all aspects of the event are covered and reduce their own workload. It’s important to carefully consider the skills and abilities of volunteers when assigning tasks and to provide clear instructions and support to ensure their success.

Assemble a reliable team

When organising a corporate event, having a reliable team is key. Having the right team in place can help ensure that the event runs smoothly and meets the goals set by the organisation. The team should consist of individuals with a range of skills and expertise, who can work together to achieve the objectives of the event.

When putting together a team, it’s important to consider the roles and responsibilities of each individual. This may include tasks such as coordinating the venue, managing the budget, overseeing the menu, dealing with event photography, or handling communications with attendees. It’s also important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each team member and to delegate tasks based on their expertise and experience. Clear lines of communication and regular meetings can help keep the team on track and ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities and the progress of the event.

By assembling a reliable team, event organisers can ensure that all aspects of the event are handled efficiently and effectively. This not only takes some of the pressure off the event planner but also increases the chances of success.


Organising a successful corporate event as a first-timer requires careful planning and attention to detail. By defining the goal of the event, finding a suitable venue, creating a reasonable budget, getting organising help, and assembling a reliable team, event planners can ensure that their corporate event is a success. Whether you’re hosting a large conference or a small networking event, these tips can help you navigate the planning process and achieve your objectives.