6 Things You Should And Should Never Do At The Best French Restaurant In Singapore

If you want a different dining experience, something international, you should try thebest French restaurant in Singapore. Not only will you finally get to enjoy ratatouille, but also salivate to other classic French dishes, such as boeuf bourguignon and potatoes dauphinoise.

But to fully get the 100% French dining experience, you must also eat like a local and practise Parisian dining etiquette. This article will discuss the things you should and should not do in thebest French restaurant in Singapore.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Dining In The Best French Restaurant In Singapore

Many travellers say if you want an authentic food experience of a county, the best supper places are at a local’s home and the streets and hawkers. Home-cooked food brings nostalgia and comfort, whilst street foods bring out a country’s palette uniqueness. No wonder why the Philippines is also known for its out-of-this-world street food called Balut, a hard-boiled fertilised duck egg embryo.

But if you are looking for a still 100% authentic experience but not as extreme and adventurous as street food, you should opt for formal dining and supper places in Singapore. And to complete the experience, you should practise the dining etiquettes, too!

Here are the unspoken dining etiquette rules of the best French restaurant in Singapore:

1. DO familiarise with the cutlery.

Asians are less complicated with cutlery. After all, most Asian countries eat with chopsticks, spoons and forks, and bare hands. Nevertheless, there are still unique table rules with Asian cutlery. For example, the Japanese deem sticking chopsticks into the food upright disrespectful.

French have cutlery etiquette as well. French people are very fond of table setting. A formal table setting would have three kinds of glasses; one for water, red wine, and white wine, in addition to a cup of coffee or tea. There is a soup spoon and teaspoon, a dinner knife, a dinner plate, a dinner fork and a salad fork. There are also separate spoons and forks for dessert.

French people take table setting seriously, so diners must appreciate it, too, by knowing what to do with it.

Use the silverware for their purpose. Do not use the diner knife for your bread or the soup spoon for your tea.

Avoid switching to knife and fork back and forth. The placement of your knife and fork have meanings as well. For example, when you position your knife and fork like an inverted V on your empty plate, it means that you are still eating. So expect the servers at the best French restaurant in Singapore to continue serving courses or ask for your other orders.

When you position your fork and knife diagonally, parallel to each other, on your empty plate, it means you are done.

2. DON’T bite into the bread!

Bread is a huge part of French cuisine and dining; it goes beyond croissants and baguettes. French people love bread to the point that they have it each meal. They have bread etiquette as well.

For example, French people don’t place their bread on the dinner plate but use their bread plate. When passing the bread, give the person the entire bread basket; don’t just give them a piece.

Never bite into the whole bread piece like what non-French people mostly do. Tear the bread into bite-sized pieces or use the bread knife. Eat the bits instead.

Don’t worry; no one will bat an eye if you bite into the entire piece of bread at the best local bakery in Singapore but in a French cafe or bakery? It is a no-no.

3. DO learn the difference between a cafe, bistro, brasserie, and restaurant.


When you look for French supper places in Singapore, you may encounter French cafes, restaurants, and bistros among the options. These are different establishments.

Cafes are where people get their coffee or tea for breakfast or afternoon. You can get bread and salad in cafes, but not course meals.

A bistro is a casual restaurant perfect for families.

A restaurant is more formal and sophisticated than bistros. It is where you can test your French dining etiquette. You can have your practice at the bestFrench restaurant in Singapore.

A brasserieis a French restaurant that serves single dishes instead of course meals. It also serves beer.

4. DON’T drink soft drinks with a meal.

Like Italians, French people do not pair their lunch or dinner with soft drinks or cocktails. You should pair your meal with water or wine. You can also pair it with a beer in a brasserie, but never soft drinks.

Soft drinks and cocktails are for appetisers and after a meal.

5. DO keep your hands on the table.

Never put your hands on your lap or sides in thebest French restaurant in Singapore. This rule table rule can be traced back to French history. King Louis XIV has come with etiquette to always keep his hands visible on the dining table to avoid a food poisoning plot. It can also be applied if the person hides a weapon under the table.

6. DON’T order a well-done steak.

If you are not a fan of bloody pink steak, you might want to eat the best hotpot in Singapore because French restaurants abhor well-done steak.

In France, some chefs refuse to serve well-done steak, but many are now adjusting to people who don’t like rare or medium rare. For French chefs, medium-rare is the way to cook the steak; the meat is flavourful; and not dry and tough.

 It is a sacrilege to order well-done in the best French restaurant in Singapore, so you better prime your tastebuds for rare and medium-rare.


If you want to enjoy food other than the best hawker food in Singapore, you can try French cuisine at French restaurants! Just don’t forget these French dining etiquette.

You can taste exquisite French cuisine at the best French restaurant in Singapore! Burpple provides you with an extensive selection of French, Italian, and other international restaurants in the country. Visit Burpple today.