A Guide to Successful First Date with Vietnamese Women for Gentlemen


Many people are nervous right from the very word `go’ when it comes to dating Vietnamese women. There is nothing to be nervous about it. Sex is wonderful when the experience is mutual and with sincere feelings. It becomes brutal and tasteless when it is a one-way affair. You have to remember that dating Asian girls is a process that does not have to become necessarily a sexual encounter with happily-ever-after ending. It is wiser to show your gentlemanly qualities, even if you want to be naughty.

After browsing through Vietnamese dating sites, go for a hookup, if you want it. Treat your partner honestly and with fairness. This is a guide for people who would prefer to remain gentlemen when they want to date Vietnamese women and participate in a Viet chat online.

  • Try not to be drunk on your first date – Opt out of heavy drinking before you start dating or when you are out with your date. Be in control of your mind and actions. A date, when you are drunk, turns out to be a messy and a sloppy disaster. Do not ever think for a minute that it is quite effective to portray yourself as a sleazy person. It does not work on all girls. Girls may then stop trusting you.
  • It is important to keep your cool while on a date – After you browse through a Vietnam pretty girl photo, expect that she will have your potential assessed the minute she looks at you. She will feel comfortable if you act as an eager beaver. Remain comfortable and cool in your demeanor when you are dating Vietnamese woman. There are few red flag expressions or phrases that you have to avoid using. Don’t jump on to phrases such as `want to have sex?’ or ‘shall we go to my place?’ before you make her feel comfortable.
  • Take the lead but avoid being pushy – When dating Vietnamese American girls or mature Vietnamese women, you have to avoid being pushy or getting physical with them, very early on. This is not to say that you have to sit and wait around for things to happen. You can take a gentle lead and lead your date by telling her what you want and where you are taking her. The idea is for you to initiate things with the right sense of timing.
  • Remove all evidence of other women in your life – Whether this date is a love connection or not, do not make her feel that she is one of your conquests. If you are taking her to your place, you have to clean it up first and leave no evidence of any girls’ stuff. By looking at these things, she will start feeling insecure and uncomfortable.

Let them remember it as a good experience – When you are dating hot Vietnamese women, make sure that they have fun when they are around you. Sex should be a good experience for both of you. This should include everything that leads to it and then after it. There has to be an emotional connection in that experience. So, it is better t