A Healthy Reproductive System Keeps a Woman Happy

The uniqueness of a woman makes her body experience several changes, and therefore requires regular check-ups by a specialist to make sure she remains active and viable throughout her life. Before menopause hits, there is a need for time to time check-ups to identify and treat conditions that affect the reproductive system, such as irregular periods, infertility fibroids, and endometriosis. The board-certified OB/GYN in New York, has the skills and experience to diagnose and treat all conditions affecting the reproductive system and provide a clear picture of how to live a healthy life. Book your appointment today to schedule your treatment plan.

At Dr. Gregory Shifrin, OB/GYN PC, specialists provide excellent medical care to their patients through the latest advanced equipment. They provide personalized care, ensuring they offer the best services to activate a positive outcome. If you have any obstetric or gynecology condition, make an appointment and call or book online today.

Here are some of the conditions that require the attention of an obstetric/gynecologist:

  •   Family planning.
  •   Hysterectomy.
  •   Urinary incontinence.
  •   Birth control.
  •   Menstrual disorder.
  •   Pelvic pain.
  •   Endometriosis.
  •   Pap smear.

What Is a Hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure whereby all or part of your uterus is removed. This surgery is done to women who are suffering from various uterine conditions such as:

  • Endometriosis.
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding.
  • Uterine fibroid.
  • Uterine prolapse.
  • Cancer of the uterus, cervix, or ovaries.
  • Chronic pelvic pain.
  • Adenomyosis, or a thickening of the uterus.

Hysterectomy for a noncancerous condition is usually considered only after trying all other treatments.

What Are the Types of Hysterectomies?

Hysterectomy is classified based on whether the uterus is removed as a whole or part, and they include:

  •   A radical hysterectomy entails removing the whole uterus. It is done when cancer is identified.
  •   A total hysterectomy involves removing the whole uterus and cervix.
  •   A supracervical or subtotal hysterectomy removes the upper part of the uterus, leaving the cervix intact.

The procedure by which the surgeon removes the ovaries is referred to as oophorectomy. Where the tubes are removed, the procedure is referred to as salpingectomy. Removing both the ovaries and the tube is known as bilateral salpingectomy-oophorectomy. All these procedures are categorized as hysterectomies.

How Is the Hysterectomy Performed?

The surgeon uses various methods to perform a hysterectomy. The surgeon will use anesthesia to prevent you from feeling pain while performing the surgery and then proceed to the surgery they deem necessary for you. The methods include:

  •   Abdominal hysterectomy- Where the surgeon makes a significant cut in your abdomen to access the uterus. It is recommended to a patient with a large uterus if the doctor wants to examine other pelvic organs for other signs of disease or if your doctor feels it is in your best interest.
  •   Vaginal hysterectomy- Where the surgeon removes your uterus through a small incision inside the vagina, then the incision is closed.
  •   Laparoscopic hysterectomy- This is performed by inserting a laparoscope through incisions made on the belly. The surgeon performs the surgery while viewing the procedure on a video screen.

At Dr. Gregory Shifrin, OB/GYN PC, your doctor will perform a thorough examination of your reproductive system and then discuss the results to determine which treatment fits you. Do not let any reproductive condition deprive you of your everyday happiness as a woman. Call or book online today.