What is Disc Herniation, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Your lifestyle has a significant effect and influence on your health. Disc herniation is a condition that may develop due to lifestyle habits, often physically involving heavy lifting jobs. The state consists of the damage of a disk in your spine, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms over some time.

However, the condition may not show any symptoms until it is too late. Suppose you are experiencing lower back pain that extends to your lower body part or neck pain moving towards your shoulder and arm; you might consider consulting Pittsburgh disc herniation specialists for more evaluation.

What is Disc Herniation?

A disc herniation occurs as a result of disc damage found between your vertebrae. It is typically a common cause of back and neck pain.

Disc herniations mainly affect the cervical discs in your neck and the lumbar discs in the lower back.

Usually, the spinal discs function as shock absorbers between the vertebrae. They minimize stress between your vertebrae, thus enhancing the smooth movement of the neck and back.

However, the spinal discs typically wear and tear over some time, becoming weak. The weakness leads to degenerative disc disease.

As the tear and wear process continues, the discs weaken further, causing the herniated disc to protrude outward, which may press your nerves and spinal cord, resulting in painful and uncomfortable symptoms.

Symptoms of Disc Herniation

Disc herniation symptoms depend on the location of the herniated disc, the neck or your lower back, and if it is pressing the nerve. The most common symptoms include:

  • Neck or lower back pain.
  • Numbness and tingling.
  • Weakness in the affected muscles.

Usually, the sensations radiate from the neck to your arms and fingers in the case of neck cervical disc herniation. While for the possibility of the lower back, the pain runs down to your buttocks, hips. and eventually your legs.

Disc herniation symptoms range from mild to severe, and since it affects your nerves, the symptoms usually affect your sensory and motion functions. Permanent damage is likely to occur when the nerve compression is severe and continuous.


Your treatment options will depend on the severity of your symptoms. At Steel City Spine Orthopedic Center, Dr. Idema first prescribes conservative treatments before moving to further treatments. They may include:

  • Medications such as anti-inflammatories.
  • Physical therapy.
  • Steroid injections.

Most of your symptoms may go away with conservative techniques, again depending on their severity. For severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

When Might You Need Surgery for Disc Herniation?

Surgery only occurs when conservative treatments fail. Disc herniation with Dr. Idema at Steel City Spine and Orthopedic Center has a high success rate, relieving most of your symptoms. Disc herniation surgeries may include:

  • Lumbar fusion surgery.
  • Microdiscectomy.
  • Artificial disc replacement surgery.
  • Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.
  • Lumbar laminectomy.

Dr. Idema has high levels of expertise in minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques, ensuring quality and effectiveness.

Contact a Disc Herniation Specialist Today

Disc herniation involves spinal disc damage, causing symptoms such as neck or back pain, which may interfere with your daily routine. Severe symptoms may lead to permanent damage. Contact Dr. Idema today if you experience continuous neck or back pain.