Boost your e-commerce revenue in times of crisis – Expert tips

Regardless of whether you’re a new business organization or you’re a seasoned business owner who is in the market for several years, increasing your e-commerce sales can always benefit your organization. However, it is sad to note that businesses often go through ups and downs. You don’t have to get discouraged if such things happen.

While there are firms like Ignite Digital that give you the best tips to boost your e-commerce revenue, you should still know how you could generate more sales for your e-commerce website.

#1: Focus on your current customers

Whenever business finds it troublesome to grow and prosper, they instantly think that this is because not enough customers are coming to them. This is nothing but a misconception. Rather than always focusing on acquiring new customers, you should also improve your strategy of customer retention. You should take into account the impact that loyal customers have on your site.

#2: Display badges that show your site is credible

Who would want to shop with an e-commerce site that appears to be shady? Suppose you run an e-commerce site of hair solutions like Outta Sight Hair, you have to make sure you display the icons which show that your site is a trustworthy one. Cyber security is a major concern for online shoppers and you too should focus on that. If you check with this website, you’ll know how they ensure 100% security for e-commerce customers.

#3: Utilise videos to demonstrate products

Consumers usually love watching videos. More than half of the marketing experts worldwide believe that videos offer the best ROI as compared to all other marketing strategies. Those e-commerce sites that have videos can get a user to spend 88% more time on their pages. The e-commerce brand Robo generated $4.8 million revenue through ads.

#4: Utilize photos while adding customer testimonials

Testimonials are the best way to make customers believe in your products. However, a message from a faceless person is not too credible. If you want to take your testimonials a level further, add pictures of the people who write the testimonials. Including a picture will show that he/she is a real person and not some unreal entity.

#5: Know the customers who shop from mobile devices

When you have an e-commerce site, this doesn’t mean that all your customers are shopping from their desktops. Nowadays, most people utilize tablets and mobile phones for shopping online. More than 50% users buy things through their mobile devices. You can’t ignore these numbers and hence you have to make your website mobile-friendly. This is the only way to boost your potential sales. If you suddenly find a decline in sales, one reason could be a non-optimized site.

Therefore, if you’re all set to start your e-commerce site, you should make sure you take into account all the above mentioned strategies to increase your revenue. You may even seek help of professionals who can give you the best ideas for the same.