Can you lose weight with weight pills?

People look for effective ways to get rid of obesity. If you are like those who do not want to despair. There are certain things, which may help you in the same purpose. They may include medications, natural supplements, and lifestyle shifts. However, it is important to choose the best way for you. You can take the help of your healthcare provider in picking-up the best treatment. He or she may recommend some effective medicines for you.Xenical 120mg tablets/ Orlistat are one of those effective medications that help you lose extra calories. In addition, it also prevents future weight gain. It is available at shops and online to order. However, it may be convenient for you to order the medicine online in the present pandemic period. Daily Chemist may serve you the best in availing the medicine online. Following are the ways that show how you can order and get the product-

  • Customer can choose the quantity to buy.
  • They need to fill out a consultation form at checkout.
  • The consultation is forwarded to our health care providers, who, if needed, issue a prescription.
  • The pharmacy dispenses the item.

How does Orlistat work? 

Xenical/ Orlistat can help reduce your weight. It blocks the enzyme that crushes down fats in your meal. However, it is significant to know that the medication does not work by restricting the calories from sugar and other non-fat foods to gather. Therefore, you should be careful with calorie-intake. You can take the help of your healthcare provider for a diet chart. Moreover, consult with your doctor for a suitable dosage for the medication. 

Do Xenical 120mg tablets suit everyone? 

It is advisable to consult with your doctor before taking the medication. Although it is an effective medication to burn fat, it is not appropriate for everyone’s health conditions. People who have or had a history of the following medical conditions shouldn’t use this medication-

  • Kidney diseases
  • Hypothyroidism
  • HIV infection
  • Eating disorders
  • Seizures

In addition, consult with your doctor before using the medication if you are pregnant. It is not suitable for breastfeeding women. However, it is advisable to take the opinion of your healthcare provider in both cases. You should tell your doctor if you are already taking any prescription medication or undergoing any other treatment. 

Side effects of Orlistat Medications

Though Orlistat can help you lose weight, it may sometimes cause certain side effects. People using the medication can experience after-effects, like-

  • A requirement to go to the bathroom immediately
  • Fatty feces
  • Increased number of excretion
  • A discharge with intestinal gas

These side effects generally take place when people eat more than the required fat. Nevertheless, if these after-effects become poor, consult with your doctor as soon as possible. 

Though in rare cases, the medication leads to severe side effects.DiscontinueXenical 120mg tablets if you experience any of the following side effects-

  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Dark urine
  • Nausea
  • Pain during urination

In addition to these aftermaths, some people may also develop allergic reactions, such as difficulty in grabbing breathes and rashes. Reach out to your doctor if you experience any of these after-effects. 

Above all, it is significant to know that it is an effective medication to reduce extra calories. However, you should not take it blindly. Consult with your doctor before taking the dosage. Moreover, tell him or her if you are already taking any other medication or have any health condition. 

Are there any lifestyle adjustments that may help in losing calories?

Any changes in your lifestyle will help you reduce your weight. The same concern can be asked of your doctor. However, some of them are related to below.

  • Daily workout
  • Drink adequate water
  • Eat into small meal portions
  • Limited alcohol drinks.
  • Stop eating too much sugar 

Try these home treatments, along with using Xenical 120mg tablets/ Orlistat to bring successful results in losing weight. For more information, consult with your doctor. 

A weight loss consultation can be requested online. If you have any queries, visit the Daily Chemist website.In addition, you can even ask experts for medical advice.