Choosing Your Best Birthing Option  

Having a baby is a joyous occasion, and deciding where to have your baby is just one of the many decisions you’ll be making. Should you have your baby at home, at the nearest Brooklyn hospital, or a Brooklyn birthing center? Here are the most common places to have your baby enter the world and why you might choose each one.

A Traditional Hospital Birth

Hospitals aren’t the cold, sterile environments, offering more amenities than they previously did. They’re equipped to handle emergencies, so they’re a great option if you have a high-risk pregnancy. Choosing a hospital birth is also common for first-time moms. Insurance will cover hospital births, making this a sound financial choice. And if you prefer to have an epidural, a hospital birth is the way to go.

On the other hand, few family members can be present during the birth, you’ll have less privacy, and you may not get as much rest due to the constant commotion. Dad may feel like an outsider, and there is generally less control over the decisions made as doctors typically make decisions they think are best at the moment.

Opting for a Home Birth

Home births are becoming more popular. They are a safe choice if you are without health problems. You may feel more comfortable at home, can proceed with your labor in any way you see fit, and can have as many helpers on hand as you want. If you have religious or cultural factors that affect your decision, this is an excellent option. In general, you’ll have much more say about how your baby enters the world.

Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover most home births, and if you have any medical issues, a home birth is likely out. And if something happens during the delivery, you may have to be transferred to a hospital.

The Best of Both Worlds

If you want the best of both worlds, why not consider your closest Brooklyn birthing center? It’s like being at home while having the safety of a hospital. That’s because most birthing centers are in or connected to a hospital. Most insurances will cover your birth here, and it may be cheaper. You’ll experience the benefits of having more say in how your birth progresses, more family present during delivery, and many of the comforts of home. If something should require more intensive medical attention, there will be no delay in care. It’s the perfect alternative if you aren’t entirely comfortable with the idea of a home birth but dread the thought of a hospital setting.

No matter which option you choose, go into your choice with the knowledge that you’ve explored your options. You’ve done your research, and now it’s time to get ready to enjoy that beautiful bundle of joy you are about to bring into the world.