Cosplays for Your Choices As per the Limits

This tip may sound silly, but it is extremely valuable: if you want to save money, try to learn to do things yourself. Sometimes, cutting a blouse or learning to do makeup can be cheaper than paying someone to do it for you.

At first it may not be easy, so look for image references on the Internet and tutorials on how to do each type of detail. To learn how to do makeup, as was the case with the interviewee above, the ideal is that, in addition to looking for these tutorials, you train before (and, again, be sure to try to do it at the last minute). A visit to will make you aware of the whole process.

Be patient

Although many people make jokes and claim that they “have no patience with those starting out”, try to remain calm. Both when assembling the clothes and thinking that nothing will work, both with yourself, that you can’t decide which character you will play, as in the event itself.

During this type of fair, it is common for cosplayers to be stopped to take pictures and play games. So if you don’t consider yourself a patient person, especially with the public.Try to work this out until the next event.

Also take a kit for unforeseen events, with sewing needles and threads, makeup, body paint, adhesive tapes and whatever else you need to fix a possible damage in your first cosplay during the event.

Is that you? Have you ever done cosplay? Did you have the courage to do it after reading the article? Tell us your ideas.

Do Not Stop Using The Cosplay Only Because It Is Not Perfect

You are starting now, it is not covered so much because perfection is a gradual thing. You can improve and adjust your cosplay over time and when you’re with it, you won’t even remember the small flaws.

Have Fun And Don’t Be A Babaca

Part of being dressed up in cosplay is getting attention, have fun with it, and please don’t play the star. Take pictures, play with strangers and other cosplayers (even those who are with the same as you), there is no harm in that. When we cosplayed Snow White we had to pick several children in my lap, some were very heavy and at the end of the day we didn’t feel my arms and my back was dead, but it was gratifying, even an apple at Brás station we won.

Proud Of Your Work

Being cosplayer is not easy, it is warm in a princess dress or cold in a villain’s leotard, being interrupted while eating to take pictures (when that happens you can politely ask the person to wait and try to understand her side, as it may be that also really like the character and don’t see you again). It is a task that needs patience. Producing your own cosplay is wonderful, having all those people really admiring and recognizing all the work you did is priceless, be proud of it.

Everything may seem like a lot of work, but it pays off. If you have the desire to do it someday, go deep and then come back here to tell how it went and if the tips were useful.