Gas safety tips for park home owners

Gas Safety Week takes place every year from September 16 to 22, which means that organizations from across the UK will work to raise awareness of the dangers of poorly maintained gas appliances. Much of the advice is often intended for those with a traditional brick and mortar home, but it is a problem that also affects people who live in park homes. For more information on Residential Park Homes, visit a site like

So, here are some top tips which will help to keep park home owners gas safe:

Only use a Gas Safe registered engineer

It is crucial gas appliances are only serviced or fitted by an engineer who is on an official Gas Safe Register – You can check this by asking each boiler engineer who visits your home if you can see their membership card. It should show a yellow Gas Safe triangle. This card will also explain what kind of work they are qualified to carry out. So, for example, someone might be able to fix your boiler, but may not have the skills necessary to install a gas fire.

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Make sure your gas appliances are checked annually

Although not a legal requirement unless you are a landlord, it is highly recommend getting into the habit of having your boiler serviced once a year. Not only will this give you peace of mind and help to keep your family safe, but it can also help to save money, as a Gas Safe engineer will be able to spot a problem or cause for concern. It then can be solved quickly, before more damage is caused. It is recommended that a boiler is serviced if you have just moved to a new property, as those who lived there before might not have done much to maintain it.

Install a carbon monoxide alarm

A significant hazard linked to gas boilers is carbon monoxide, the release of which can happen if your boiler becomes damaged and begins leaking this potentially deadly gas. Thankfully, there is a simple way to protect everyone from this by fitting an alarm in your park home. The alarm alerts you if it detects rising levels of carbon monoxide in the air, so you can quickly evacuate and call an engineer.

Learn how to spot and treat carbon monoxide poisoning

Every year, there are approximately 60 deaths caused by carbon monoxide poisoning accidents in England and Wales, so you can never be too careful.

The main symptoms of that you need to look out for include:

Tension-type headache


Fatigue and confusion

Stomach ache

Hard to breathe

If you suspect that you and your family are suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning, turn off all gas appliances, open windows and doors, leaving your garden house, contact a gas engineer, and make sure you get checked by a doctor.

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Address problems boiler immediately

Finally, if you see a problem between services, it is important that you contact an engineer as soon as possible. If the problem is left to fester, it could be much worse and may even be dangerous. If left too long, chances are it will cost more to repair, or you may even be forced to replace your boiler completely.