Here’s How SEO Can Improve Your Ecommerce Sales and Profit


Fighting for space in the e-commerce world can be tough and daunting. But learning proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help you and your business drive up your profit, increase your popularity online, and bring you closer to your consumers.

What exactly is SEO and how can it benefit my business?

If you have a brick and mortar business, it is basically mandatory nowadays for you to have an online identity as well. This is because when searching for options, most people now go online instead of literally going outside. This makes your business accessible to millions of customers in your area and even other parts of the world.

But for every business that you physically see on the street, there are also hundreds upon hundreds of websites that are available, each of them wanting to get your attention and your precious clicks. How do you make sure that customers can find you online?

This is where Search Engine Optimization 搜索引擎优化 comes in. It basically means tweaking your virtual appearance so that it remains popular and the top choice among internet users. There are many ways of applying SEO such as crafting attractive content through the use of specific words and phrases or making sure that the structure of your website is attractive and user friendly.

There are many tips online that can teach you how to use SEO to your advantage. You can also opt for professional help. SEO experts can take a look at your business and guide you on how to get the top spot for search results.

Improving Ecommerce sales through SEO

The use of keywords is a common way of applying SEO to draw more customers to your site. We have all searched for something online using just a few words as opposed to typing long sentences. SEO is thinking of those important and unique words that you can apply to your website that will target the customers you want and eventually make the purchase that will grow your profit.

Search Engine Optimization 搜索引擎优化 is also commonly applied through the use of social media accounts. The truth is, creating social media accounts for your business is one of the smartest tricks that you can do to improve sales.

Being present on social media increases your chance of being seen by more customers because let’s face it, the majority of people online are browsing the internet through specific apps—mainly social media. Content placed on platforms such as Instagram can help you reach more younger customers, while Facebook can help you get in touch with older customers.

People are also generally attracted to content on social media because it looks familiar and seems easier to navigate than an entirely new website that they do not usually visit.

SEO through website structure can also help you nurture your business. One example is making mobile friendly versions of your company or business website. This is extremely important because a big chunk of internet users access the web using their phones.

Having a website that does not conform to the size and fit of a cell phone screen can be problematic if your customer is trying to look at your page. You will attract more traffic to your site if the contents are easy to read on a smaller screen and can be navigated using a touch screen.