Why Use a Professional Drone Telepilot?

When you want to hire a professional drone operator, you are looking for experience and expertise. We can only advise you to take a civilian drone operator with significant experience on the type of mission you need. A newly arrived operator will surely be cheaper, in order to be able to carry out his references. But it is better to invest in a professional and experienced drone telepilot. Here’s why!

A Professional Drone Telepilot Gives Advice and Ensures Creativity

Before shooting, a qualified and experienced drone telepilot listens to you in order to understand your needs. That is the very basis of a close and successful collaboration. Then comes the study of the area and the possibilities of flights that allow them to advise you and offer you different angles of shots. The drone operator will bring you their know-how and creativity to create aerial images above your expectations.

A Professional Drone Telepilot Shoots Perfect Images

Drone remote pilots are fully aware of their regions, the restricted areas, the necessary requests to be made as well as the people to contact in order to quickly obtain the various authorizations for flights and aerial shots. Photographing or filming with a drone requires perfect control of the aircraft in order to ensure the perfect framing of the images or the fluidity of the film.

A professional telepilot is seasoned in this technique. As a matter of fact, they have a perfect command of piloting and capturing aerial images via the camera or the photographic device attached to a 3-axis support under the drone, thus allowing shots of great stability. The images produced can be delivered to you raw, without retouching or processed in post-production. By the way, you can ask to add texts, special effects, music or any other animation.

The Realization of all Types of Drone Services

Bringing together the know-how and equipment allows a drone telepilot to be able to do everything that is possible to do with the device. Therefore, they can offer many different types of services. It is not only about aerial photography, the operator can provide many other services in various professional sectors of construction, agriculture, public works and many other trades.

For this purpose, they can be equipped with probes, sensors, sprayer, thermal camera or other hardware and software which are often very expensive. All this makes it possible to offer advanced techniques such as thermography or aerial mapping that only a real professional can do.