How a SIP beginner achieves his long-term goal?

Have you recently started to invest in a mutual fund and are confused about how you can achieve your financial goals in the upcoming 15 to 20 years. Here in this post, we have covered up a real-time scenario after visiting across many online columns about which mutual fund is best for long term goals.

Every year, we have to pay different taxes, like income tax, house tax, water tax, etc. we look for many financial options and investments to get a significant cutoff on taxes. ELSS funds are trending among financial enthusiasts. An individual has created a portfolio and asked for suggestions.

Goal: Planning an investment for the child’s (less than a year) education and marriage

The person has invested in various options to achieve the goal after 15-20 years. 

Various mutual fund schemes investment to achieve long term goal

    • He has put in 500 Rs./ as an equity fund in 2 banking firms.
    • A tax saver fund of Rs. 500
    • Taxshield fund of Rs. 500 
    • A Small-Cap fund of Rs. 1000
    • An investment of Rs. 1000 as Tax advantage ELSS fund
    • An investment of Rs. 1000 in L&T emerging market fund
    • An investment of Rs. 1000 in Canara Robeco
  • An investment of Rs. 1000 as in equity hybrid fund
  • An investment of Rs. 3000 in Axis focused 25 fund
  • Standard Multicap fund investment of Rs. 1000

The total amount of investment is 10,500 that is divided into 11 schemes of mutual funds to earn the highest returns after a few years.

Investing in different mutual funds schemes is a good way to overcome your financial taxes but it can create a mess also or you can miss an installment of any one of these schemes and you may have to pay extra charges on that note.

If you are clear about how much amount you want to invest to maximize the returns then you can have a tax saving mutual fund scheme and one diversified equity scheme. As the amount is not that much then it can easily be manageable by only two schemes.

In the future, when the investment amount is raised on then you can try your hands in other schemes too. 

Mutual funds associate different types of schemes such as midcap, smallcap, large mutual fund, aggressive hybrid fund, focused multi-cap funds, diversified multi-cap fund, etc. If you will involve yourself in distinct schemes you may get confused and vanish at some point.

You should make your investment in those schemes that can meet up with your financial goals and period with less risk management. 

Small-cap, mid-cap, and large-cap mutual fund schemes are best suitable for those individuals who are capable of hedging the risk and can make big investments to get a significant amount of returns. As we all know mutual funds are risky investments so one should be compatible and careful with the dynamics of the market. Also, read the terms and conditions carefully before performing and investing in any further process.

If you want to invest for multiple goals and you are capable of splitting your amount into different mutual fund schemes then identify the current mutual fund cost, the annual increment in cost and its future accomplishments also check how it will impact your annual income.

To check the status of investment, you can hand on the SIP calculator, it will give you the info on expected future value and accomplishments of the investment you have done.

Which mutual fund is best?

Whom you can ask about mutual funds?

To manage your fund and investment needs, you can consider a mutual fund advisor so he can guide you on which mutual fund is best, which schemes are going with your goals and investment needs, and how much time you can achieve those goals with several schemes and periods. You can get more information on marathi news channel.