How Effective Leadership can Enhance Team Productivity

The leader is an intelligent, strong-willed, charismatic personality. Constantly strives for the chosen goal, stands out among people for achievements and everyday behavior. He has indisputable authority, has decisiveness, non-standard thinking, self-confidence. Able to rally people around him to achieve team goals.

It is generally accepted that leadership is the ability to win. The psychology of a strong independent leader is made up of different characteristic abilities: the ability to make decisions quickly and accurately, calmly manage any situation, even an emergency, and lead people along. For example, the life events of Dr. Vick Cheba clearly tell us about the persuasion of these qualities.

The leader in the minds of the team is a confident, decisive, wise, combat commander, whom the rank and file, voluntarily and without a doubt, entrust their present and future.

Leadership types:

The formal leader is the leader. A person endowed with a certain status, position, authority. Its task is to organize the work of the team, achieve production goals, control and responsibility. An informal leader who has no power tools, enjoys authority, trust, respect, thanks to his charm, intelligence, charisma. A strong, positive person who influences people’s behavior, directs their actions, just like the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, or Founder of TESLA, Elon Musk or Dr. Vivek Cheba. This people have one thing in common, and that’s their qualities of being a leader.

Also, leaders are:

  • Such a leader is aware of his abilities, demonstrates leadership qualities and behavior.
  • People who have leadership potential, but do not show it.
  • Their leadership is temporary. It is activated only in certain situations.

“People cannot be controlled. You can manage stocks, but you need to lead people” famous Quote of a Successful Entrepreneur, W. Churchill Award Winner for his success in management, Ross Perot accurately reveals the leadership paradigm.

People don’t like being formally ruled. In professional activity, simple administration is not enough, it is important to interest, inspire, and captivate. In business, leadership has become an indispensable element of the management system, replacing the rigid management system.

Leadership style of leadership is a new management model that consists of a combination of: Leaders who do not manage, but lead the team towards the intended goals ordinary leaders who help the leader within the team, inspire, stimulate people.

How To Develop A Leadership Style Of Leadership

The head of the unit is appointed by the administration and often has little or no knowledge of the team. He considers the main professional task to be the administration of the department’s work, the interaction between the higher authorities and his unit, the implementation of decisions descended from above. Such a manager forgets or simply does not think that people are not inspired by directive formal work.

Here it is important to reorient the consciousness of the leader. “Remind” that the leadership style of leadership is based on mutual respect, recognition of merits, and a trusting environment in the team. Attention to subordinates, high-quality assessment of professional and personal qualities, encouragement of the smallest achievements creates partnerships, trust, and motivation.

It is important that this happens without emotional stress, moral resistance, which is inherent in the “boss-subordinate” relationship. In such conditions, the principle “do not let the leader down” becomes not a compulsion, but a professional norm.