How To Create The Perfect F&B Interior

When we think of interior design, we most commonly associate it with the luxurious houses and mansions that we see on television and on the covers of magazines. Most people who aren’t aware oftentimes assume that professional interior design services only matter in residential homes or buildings. One might think that interior design is only the realm of the rich homeowners.

But as you may very well know, this assumption is incorrect. Interior design isn’t just exclusively for rich homeowners, nor is it only used in residential spaces. In today’s world, interior design has become an integral part of our everyday lives. We don’t have to look in the interiors of our friends’ homes or to check modern luxury houses for examples of interior design. You just need to take a stroll outside to notice the effects that it has had on our lives. Even public places such as airport lobbies, malls, hotels, restaurants, and other places have been touched by interior design.

Commercial interior design: similarities and differences to residential

Interior design of public spaces, as well as places of work such as factories, offices, and retail stores, can be differentiated from interior design of homes and other places of residence. It is known as commercial interior design. There are many differences between commercial and residential interior design: from the process all the way to its purpose and intended occupants or users of the space. For this reason, if you’re planning to enlist the services of experts for interior design of offices and other commercial establishments such as restaurants or workshops, it might be best to hire a company that specialises in commercial interior design, or at least one that has in-depth experience in designing these commercial interiors.

Commercial interior design: the food and beverage sector


Which commercial spaces are the ones where interior design services may matter the most? While every space benefits from good interior design, the answer to this might just be restaurants, cafes, bars, and other food and beverage establishments, or in short, the F&B industry. These establishments are highly dependent on interior design in various ways, from attracting customers to the establishment to increasing sales, to helping customers be comfortable and help employees work much faster, smoother, and more efficiently.

If you want to open a restaurant or other similar establishment, then good interior design isn’t just optional, it is a must. A badly designed food and beverage establishment will be unable to attract customers at best, and may even drive them away at worst. This is why many restauranteurs and owners spend a lot of time, money, and effort into making their interiors beautiful.

Want to create the best restaurant interior? Read the tips below to see some great tips on restaurant interior design.

What are some of the best ways you can create the best interiors?


Even if your restaurant has the best food and drink in the world, you won’t be able to retain any customers if the interior of your restaurant is drab, boring, or dingy. The secret to being successful in the food and drink industry isn’t just great food, but the ability to sell a good experience. Many customers return to a restaurant over and over again to relive a certain experience that they’ve had while in the restaurant or establishment. Your goal is to make sure the experience stays consistent and that new customers will enjoy the service given to them. Restaurant owners need to know that ambience and decor plays a large part in this.

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to F&B interior design. That’s because the idea of a “great experience” isn’t just dependent on a single concept. The type of decor and interior that your restaurant should have will differ depending on many things, like the concept and theme of your restaurant, what type of food you serve, what kind of restaurant you want to open (is it buffet style or fast-casual? How about fine dining)? What kind of experience you want to serve your guests will play a big part.

These are the things you need to take into consideration when creating your restaurant layout:


1) Lighting. Harsh lighting or other types of lighting can make your restaurant interiors look worse, and even your food might appear unappetizing. A lot of consideration needs to be placed on lighting.

2) Chairs and seats. No one wants to dine on uncomfortable seats. What kind of seats is appropriate for your restaurant? Even its appearance can drastically shange the mood of your restaurant.

3) Decor. Let the personality of your restaurant shine through some creative decor! Why not model your restaurant after your food’s origins, or add something fun to catch diners’ eyes.

4) Music. Didn’t know that music is part of your interior design? Now you know.It might get a little uncomfortable to have diners eat in complete silence, so make sure you plan out your playlists carefully.

But if you want some general tips on how to make your restaurant interiors pop, there are some general guidelines that you should follow to ensure that your establishment will have maximum impact on your customers. Here are some things you should consider when designing your restaurant.


1) Make your restaurant storefront pop. Your entrances and windows are the first things any passers-by see before they decide to go into your store. Many people make their shopping decisions in only a split second. Make that second count by adding something to grab their attention.

2) Focus on your target market. For example, are you planning to run a cafe? Then plan a layout and interior to grab the attention of coffee lovers. For fast-food restaurants, the target of people on the go, make your restaurant layout easy to navigate for hurrying customers.

3) Choose furniture wisely. Things like tables and counters are the biggest pieces of furniture in your store. Make sure they are appropriate for your restaurant and you choose them wisely so they add to the ambience of your store.

4) Pay attention to the kitchen and behind-the-scenes. You know, it’s not just customers who will use the space, but employees as well. Make sure you provide a workspace where they can work in safe and sanitary conditions. Workers who are happy will be more productive and consistent in their work.

Starry Homestead is a commercial interior designer and renovation contractor of HDB units and other properties around Singapore. Contact us to know more about how we can transform your office into the perfect place for you and your employees.