Singapore has numerous bilingual preschool facilities since it is home to individuals of different ethnicities. Many of its residents are Chinese, while the rest have Malay and Indian backgrounds. Numerous individuals from various corners of the globe even flock to the city-state to live, study, and work in a country that values cultural diversity and innovation.

Due to the number of racial communities in Lion City, its authorities encouraged residents to learn and use two communication systems by enforcing a bilingual policy. According to this rule, Singapore residents should use English as their professional or working language—while their mother tongue remains their primary communication mode at home or whenever they are with friends or family. Education centres like high schools, elementary, or kindergarten facilities in Singapore also received instruction to adapt bilingualism in their school systems to encourage kids to value their cultural heritage.

What Is A Bilingual Kindergarten?

A bilingual kindergarten is a learning facility that sharpens kids’ proficiency in two languages. They use noteworthy teaching strategies and encourage children to engage in activities to improve their fluency and literacy in two communication systems.

In Singapore, bilingual kindergarten facilities offer programmes covering English and the three dominant mother tongues spoken in the city-state. You can sign your child up for classes to improve their English, Mandarin, Tamil, or Malay knowledge and skills. Other facilities even offer lessons in languages like Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, and more.

4 Tips For Preparing Your Child For Bilingual Kindergarten

If you plan on enrolling your little one on a bilingual programme, you should learn how to help them feel comfortable and ready to attend language lessons. Doing so will allow them to make the most of their classes and help lessen their anxieties about going to school.

Scroll through to learn four tips to help parents like you prepare your youngster for bilingual kindergarten:

1. Expose Them To Both Languages In Natural Settings

Before signing your kid up for a bilingual preschool class, consider taking them to a local grocery store, a friend or relative’s house, or anywhere they can naturally hear their primary and secondary languages. Doing so will familiarise them with the communication systems they will learn through their bilingual lessons.

2. Use The Languages While Doing Enjoyable Activities

Aside from taking them outside, you can use English and your mother tongue while playing, doing chores, or reading a book to expose them to the languages. Doing so will also keep them from feeling overwhelmed during their first few bilingual kindergarten lessons.

3. Go School Supplies Shopping

Trips to shopping malls are always a fun activity for kids. Taking them to these establishments to buy school supplies will help them feel excited about their bilingual preschool classes, reducing or eliminating their worries about going to school.

4. Schedule A Visit To Their Bilingual Preschool

Young learners can become less anxious about attending bilingual kindergarten lessons if parents like you familiarise them with their school. Taking them to their learning centre will also allow them to get to know their teachers before their classes start.

Little Skool House is a trusted bilingual preschool facility in Singapore that can help your young one become fluent in English and Mandarin. Check out their website to see if their bilingual programmes best suit your child.