How to Recognize Certain Pests

Identifying pests clearly and as soon as possible guarantees greater chances of success in attack control and treatment. Also, knowing which plants they tend to target will be easier to prevent by applying the appropriate phytosanitary product—the result: healthier plants in the garden, terrace, and orchard. Here Pest Control Meridian Idaho teach you to recognize the most common pests.


How They Are: They are black insects between one and two millimeters long, louse-shaped; nymphs are yellow and very active.

How They Work: They puncture tissues to feed, producing stippling or small silver spots on leaves and flowers. They cause the paleness, deformation, and fall of foliage; they are vectors of viruses and bacteria and promote the plant’s general weakening. They are the primary pest of the onion.

They Are Favored: Dryness and heat, therefore they attack in spring and especially in summer.

What To Do: You can apply a multipurpose plant, including organic products such as neem oil and rapeseed oil with pyrethrins.

How To Prevent: During spring and summer, apply a systemic insecticide.

Tracks And Larvae

What They Are Like: Caterpillars are the larvae of Lepidoptera (butterflies). The larvae are born from some insects’ eggs and correspond to a stage in their evolution towards their adult form.

They are worm-shaped; their colors and patterns allow them to blend in with plants. Rose bushes, in particular, are attacked by the larvae of a wasp (Arge rosae), also called the rose fly, which causes severe damage according to Pest Control Boise.

How They Work: Their mouth is equipped with a powerful chewing device with which they bite, crush and devour the leaves of plants, mostly, but also flowers and fruits. They attack numerous plants in the garden and orchard and can cause the loss of the specimen.

What To Do: If there are few caterpillars, they can be removed by hand. If the pest is essential, it is best to apply a specific product based on Cypermethrin10%, which acts by contact and ingestion (it is not systemic).

All parts of the plant where the eggs and larvae are located must be carefully wetted. The application should be repeated after 8-10 days, depending on the evolution of the pest. After treatment, the affected leaves and fruits should be removed. Neem oil can also be applied as suggested by this top pest control company.