Possible Solutions for the Rome Airport Taxis

Even with the price difference (as we mentioned above, airport stores tend to have more interesting rates), it will hardly compensate for the trip to the airport which are usually far from the city. Our tip is doing the math. Depending on the offer you choose, you can compensate for traveling to the airport or not.

Save a few days’ worth of days when the car is not going to be used

Picking up and returning the Rome airport taxi can sometimes mean that you will have to keep the car for days when you would not necessarily need it.

How to get from florence airport to central Rome with a private transfer?

Before you travel, make your Transfer reservation so that you don’t have any worries, as the driver will already is there waiting for you with a poster. That way you won’t have to think about anything, just go quietly and safely to your hotel. The best way to reach the hotel in the center of Rome is by Transfer. How to get from Florence airport to the center of Florence? Access the link below and request your transfer service!

How to get from Fiumicino Airport to the Center of Rome? Accessing the link “Transfer Service”, you can get more information about this option. It is safe, comfortable and cost-effective is excellent! This way, you avoid the exchange of transport to get to the hotel, since the transfer is direct! No stops! The driver speaks Portuguese (booking in advance)! Not to mention that it makes our lives a lot easier when it comes to bags. Because you imagine carrying suitcases on other transports, it is not easy, but neither is it impossible. It is just not comfortable for those who are traveling in order to relax).

How much does a Private Transfer cost? The price of the service costs around 50 Euros

  • We like it a lot, or not at all. It is in fact a vastly underrated city, which has a lot to offer, but also has its share of challenges.
  • To have a pleasant stay in peace, it is better to follow a few basic precautions, and the first begins upon arrival at the airport.
  • But let’s be clear, absolutely nothing will happen if you watch your luggage. The challenge only arises when leaving the airport to reach your accommodation.

The rule to follow is simple:

Never take transport outside the airport (on the street). We always insist on this point because the airport is one of the most dangerous corners of Rome. In case of the Rome airport taxis this is essential.

Transfers from Rome airport to the hotel

So here are 3 safe transportation options from Rome airport to your hotel, with prices and times so you can choose the one that suits you best.

Taxi Transfers for You

Avoid taking a taxi outside the airport. Yes, a taxi from the street would probably cost half, but the Callao where the airport is located is infamous for being unsafe. With a suitcase or a backpack on your back, you practically have “tourist” written in capital letters on the front and this is the most effective way to be robbed. The risk is clearly not worth it!

It is here, inside the airport that you have to take a taxi from one of the official companies. Do not hesitate to ask for the driver’s badge to be sure.