Risk Factors and Symptoms of Gum Disease

Gum disease or periodontitis is an infection inside the gum, destroying the soft tissue that holds your teeth in place. It usually results from poor dental hygiene practices that allow plaque to accumulate and harden around teeth. Failure to treat gum disease often means the bone becomes permanently damaged, such that teeth become loose or fall off altogether. If you are looking to find a trusted specialist in gum disease and periodontics in Novi, there is hope at Novi Family Dentistry.

What are the risk factors of gum disease?

Apart from the obvious bad dental hygiene, other risk factors make gum disease possible in some people more than others.

  • Poor nutrition

Consuming a diet laden with carbohydrates and sugars promotes plaque buildup around your teeth. The lack of critical vitamins like vitamin C also impairs healing and paves the way for periodontitis.

  • Hormonal fluctuations

Pregnancy, menopause, and puberty usually come with hormonal imbalances that make the blood vessels in the gums prone to bacterial attack. Research surmises that the incidence of gum disease during these life stages is very high.

  • Diabetes mellitus

People suffering from diabetes mellitus usually have poor blood circulation, which impacts their ability to heal from gum infection. When bacteria sets in, the problem becomes full-blown gum disease within no time.

  • Stress

High levels of stress have adverse effects on the body’s immune system, thus making it hard to fend off infections. The bacteria responsible for gum disease is always lurking around, waiting for an opportune moment to strike when your immunity is at its weakest.

What are the symptoms of gum disease?

Before you come in for a consultation and receive a proper diagnosis, you may have noticed a few signs of gum disease as follows:

  • Inflamed gums

Reddening and swelling of gums is a significant sign of gum infection. You will feel tenderness around the affected teeth, and bleeding is common when brushing or flossing. Do not ignore this warning sign; see a dentist immediately to discuss appropriate treatment options.

  • Teeth sensitivity

Consuming hot or cold drinks can become a problem when periodontitis is underway. You may feel a sharp pain or discomfort during mealtime, and the situation only worsens over time. Shrinking of the gum due to colonization of bacteria also points to tooth sensitivity.

  • Foul breath

Apart from regular bad breath in the morning, you may find yourself struggling with bad breath even after brushing and flossing. The mouth already harbors bacteria, and when dental hygiene is lacking, these bacteria multiply and release toxins that affect the gums and produce that foul smell.

  • Loose teeth

Gum disease is unforgiving, and if the circumstances are good, bacteria will eat away at the tissue supporting teeth. You may start to notice teeth are wiggly, or they start shifting. Such teeth are not strong enough for chewing food, and they may chip due to pressure.

Gum disease is painful to live with, and it can affect your teeth, making them fall off. Receiving an early diagnosis is vital to stopping the spread of bacteria and restoring your oral health. If you experience any of the above symptoms, do not hesitate to consult your certified dentist.