Robotics Technology

Science and engineering gave birth to the field of robotics technology as an interdisciplinary sector whose dedication is towards the applicable design and construction of mechanical robots. This article guide quests for an overview of these robots for you to grasp their different types and industrial applications. The current robotic trends have a dedicated investment in automation; you can follow this URL to learn more.

What is Robotics?

Robotics is a field that intersects engineering, science, and technology towards the production of machines called robots that can replicate or substitute actionable human behavior. Some robotics fan base that continuously draws a fascination from their existence includes the pop culture, the Optimus Prime character in movies, R2-D2, and WALL-E. These humanoid concepts and their exaggerated robotic functional design mirror a caricature of a possible reality. They are the forward thinkers of what the robotics industry needs to accomplish. With the continuous gain of mechanical and intellectual capabilities by these robots, the robotic success of the R2-D2-like machine is no longer a concept hidden in some alien book.

The progress in technology also tags along with robotics as a considerable companion. The year 2005 found 90% of robots assembling cars in the automotive factories. The robots’ design primarily constituted mechanical arms whose tasks were screwing and welding specific car parts. Fast-forward to this 2005’s future, brings to the table an evolved and expanded robotics definitions. The Earth’s harshest conditioned environments are now accessible through adaptable developed and created bots. The law-enforcement now benefits from robotic assistance and not forgetting its invaluable contribution to the healthcare sector too.

Robotics Characteristics

The robotic world might be on a continuous expansion trail, but their displayed characteristics remain consistent:

  1. The mechanical construction is an aspect consistent in all robot types. The assistance of the mechanical aspect design weighs in on how fast a robot can complete its environment-assigned task.
  2. Electrical components are critical functional aspects of a robot as they help in controlling and powering the machinery. An electric current is an essential addition required to power a majority of giant industrial robots.
  3. The making of each robot has to consider some level of applicable computer programming input. These sets of codes instruct the robots on the commands to follow or carry out, and without them, a robot would lose its definition and become a random and simplified piece of machinery. The program that runs a robot is like its soul that empowers its functional existence regarding pending tasks that need execution.

The robotics industry is still a toddler and already impressing everyone with its strides. Our imagination also might be too young to contain what it could have in store for us if it attains its adult years. Going to the deepest ocean depths and rocketing to the light-years of space will lead you to a platform of robots performing numerous tasks, the human mind thought was not possible.

Types of Robots

The mechanic designs of bots bring them to life in all shapes and sizes to carry out their intended tasks. Be it a 0.2-millimeter long bot or a 200 meters long machinery, the functional application of robots go to depths the human efforts failed to reach. On a classification platter, we have five robotic types.

  1. Pre-Programmed Robots

They involve themselves in simple monotonous tasks and operate under a controlled environment. They tend to perform longer tasks at a faster pace and a higher efficiency than humans. An example would be the automotive assembly line’s mechanical arm.

  1. Humanoid Robots

They are good at mimicking human behavior. Human-like activities like carrying objects, jumping, and running are on their resume. Their design can also resemble the human body architecture with the inclusion of expressions and human faces. Some prominent humanoid robots examples include the Boston Dynamics’ Atlas and the Hanson Robotics’ Sophia.

  1. Autonomous Robots

They are independent and do not need human supervision to operate. They operate and carry out tasks in an open environment that does not require the presence of humans. The Roomba Vacuum Cleaner fits as a perfect autonomous robot example. They freely roam around the house due to their in-built sensors.

  1. Teleoperated Robots

The operation of this mechanical bot is under the control of a human. They are applicable in extreme circumstances, weather, and geographical conditions. The human-controlled submarines fit as a perfect example. They were useful during the underwater BP oil spill as they came in handy to fix the pipe leaks. Drones are also other helpful examples as their application on a battlefield can help detect landmines.

  1. Augmenting Robots

They are the recyclers of the human body functionality as they either enhance the human capabilities or act as a replacement to the lost human capabilities. Exoskeletons or robotic prosthetic limbs fit as ideal examples due to their applicability in lifting hefty weights.

Uses of Robots

  1. Manufacturing

If an award exists for the most loyal robotic alias, then the manufacturing industry would take home the winning prize. It is the oldest tie to robotics applications. These robots here have efficiency in testing and assembling products like industrial equipment and cars. An estimate of the current industrial robots puts their figure at three million.

  1. Logistics

Most logistics and retailers companies are demanding the presence of quality control, handling, and shipping robots. Warehouses under logistics companies now employ the use of robots to satisfy the customer demand for packages to arrive at a shorter span. They also help in maximizing time efficiency on the road. The functionality of such robots entails retrieving an item off the shelves, transporting it within the warehouse, and then packaging it. Also, the quest for the last mile robots to effect door-to-door package delivery is a promise of the near future to have robots knocking on your door with your ordered package.

  1. Home

From kids entertainment, schedules reminders, and assisting in house chores is enough evidence of the exciting robotic takeover in our homes. Also, the robotic evolution is now taking them to mow grass and clean pools autonomously. How exciting is that?

  1. Travel

The autonomous vehicles used to live in our imagination and science fiction movies, but now they are a breathable reality. The self-driving vehicles takeover of the world gives credit to the marriage between data science and robotics. Tesla, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, and other automakers have their foot on the gas pedal to take us to the next travel wave. Lyft and Uber rideshare companies are also back to the labs working on vehicles that do not require human input to operate.

  1. Healthcare

The healthcare industry is smiling due to the healthy strides the robots are making along its aisle. Robot-assistive surgeries are no longer a thing of human imagination. Even the physical therapy recovery sessions have a boost from these bots. Toyota’s healthcare assistants are prominent examples in their assistive input in aiding patients to regain the ability to walk.

The robotic technology is the trend that shall never fade, for it continues to display new tricks up its sleeves. All we humans can do is to continue being slave audiences as we marvel at robotic inventions that met our imaginations and surpassed it by miles.