Sell Paintings – Free Networks vs Individual Artist Website 

One of the dilemmas all the artists who like to sell art online have is whether they should sell their work through an individual artist website or make use of the free networks. Are you also having the same dilemma? You need to make a well-informed decision based on your personal preferences and what your future plans are. 

If you want to sell paintings it is not enough to run an art exhibition once a year. Most of the artists do not even think about art exhibitions because what happens with art exhibitions is that you spend a lot of money on the venue expenses, setup expenses, art exhibition promotional expenses and after all that you end up getting a poor turn out and worse still you do not get to sell enough even to meet your overhead costs. 

Many artists have their own artist websites to showcase their work. They upload the digital versions of their work and sell them to people who are interested in their work. Your website will work round the year and even when you are sleeping your website is promoting your work. However, setting up a website with all the required technology to showcase one’s work, add search features and online buying features will cost you a lot of money. Besides that you need to spend money every year in keeping the website alive. Here again you would only just breakeven after all the expenses. 

On the other hand, if you are going to sell your artwork in platforms that already exist you will be able to save a lot of money. You are just going to make use of the technology that is just there already. You can get started right away. Similarly, you can start selling your paintings without any upfront payments whatsoever. You will be required to pay the platform only when a sale is made. They will deduct their commissions and send you the remaining payments. So it is very easy to deal with such a system as opposed to the traditional art exhibitions and as opposed to the individual artist websites. If you are an artist thinking of improving your online visibility and also sell your artwork, then you know what to do.

Look for the most trustworthy platforms on the web to start promoting your artwork. When compared to all the other methods free network is the most hassle free and less expensive approach. 

You will be able to find many online platforms that allow the users to sell their artwork. Find out which platforms are reliable and which ones are not reliable. Only when you find the most trustworthy platforms you will be able to make money. Invest enough time to do your homework so that you will be able to find the best platforms online to start selling your work in the most hassle free way. You can become a popular artist with the help of these free networks.