Some crypto trading advice which can help you in investing

Since the year 2017, the demand for crypto currencies is on the rise though there are many risk factors involved in investment in crypto currency. Though some people still have some confusion in mind normal investments like stock market and bank FD’s are much better than crypto currency investment, demand for the latter is still on the rise. People who are investing in crypto currency are fully aware of the crypto trading risks

Crypto currencies operate informally and do not have any formal regulation nor are controlled by any central bank. They also do not have any certificate of any credit rating agency. People do not care about all this and the high returns which the crypto currencies offer are luring more people to invest in crypto currency. With the participation, the industry of crypto currency has become quite large and it is estimated to be $500 billion. As such huge amount of money is involved, many exchanges and brokerage firms with their apps have come up to help the investors to trade well and make profit in crypto currencies. 

These brokers and apps provide ample guidance to the investors. Whenever people think of investing in crypto currency, the first name which comes into their mind is that of Bitcoin. The demand of this coin went up to such an extent that within one year of its launch, price of one unit of the coin touched $20,000 mark. After reaching the peak, it went down and settled at $11,000. At present, one unit of Bitcoin is being priced at around $8000. The second most popular currency is Ethereum, which is being traded at $138 per unit. Dash is the next most popular one being traded at $43 now.  

Some of the leading crypto currencies which are being traded in the market include Bitcoin, XRP, Litecoin, Ethereum and Dash. These currencies are high in demand in the market and are traded well. In addition to these, many new coins are being added into the market every other day.  

Experts say that if you have $3000 at hand for investment, one should invest half of it in the high demand crypto currencies. The remaining other part of your investment you can invest in those crypto currencies which are at the lower end of the ladder. For that purpose, you will have to find those coins whose fundamentals are strong and promoters have the honesty and the will to take the business forward.