Things A Stay In Confinement Nanny In Singapore Can And Can’t Do

Being a mother is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. From pregnancy to delivery and raising a child, mums experience obstacles that affect their physical, mental and emotional health. They give a hundred per cent of their time, energy, and effort to look after their little bundles of joy. But despite being a tiring feat, numerous women in the state still choose to become mothers due to the sense of fulfilment they get from watching their kids grow through their caring hands. They also receive help from friends, relatives, and professionals from a confinement nanny agency in Singapore to make their duties easier and lighter.

But what are confinement services, and how could soon-to-be-mums like you benefit from them?



What Is A Confinement Nanny?

A confinement lady is a professional who looks after newborns and their mums. These experts took courses and learned the basics and intricacies of baby and mother care, or they spent most of their lives nurturing their children. They could work for you as a stay in nanny in Singapore or go to your place every morning to assist and guide you with your duties as a mum.

Every confinement nanny provides varied services in Singapore. They could help you get around your house and tend to your newborn as you recover from the stress and challenges of pregnancy and childbirth. But unlike maids, confinement ladies can only fulfil a limited number of duties to assist you. Scroll through to learn everything these childcare experts can and cannot do for you.



Things A Confinement Nanny Can Do

When you hire a nanny in Singapore, you can expect them to be experts in tending to your baby. They know how to look after your precious one since they cared for theirs for years. They also took lessons on nurturing babies and knew how to support you throughout the initial stages of your journey to motherhood. Here’s everything a confinement nanny can do for you:

Help You Feed Your Baby

According to experts, mums should feed newborns every time they seem hungry. But how could you know when is the best time to give milk to your baby? Fortunately, a stay in nanny knows when and how to feed your little one. They will teach you about the right amount of milk to give your baby based on their age. They will also help you burp them after every feeding and give breastfeeding tips.

Look After Your Baby

Being a mother can be overwhelming—especially if it is your first time. You may not know the answers to your every question about baby care, which is natural and acceptable. But getting confinement services in Singapore means receiving help when feeding, dressing, bathing, or even carrying your baby.

Take Care Of You

Every baby care expert from the best confinement nanny agency in Singapore is an advocate of self-care. They will help you look after yourself after giving birth to your little one and teach you how to take care of your mind and body. They could cook warm meals, draw herbal baths, and give you time for yourself to help you recharge for caring for your baby.

Provide Guidance

Numerous mums treat nannies as their second mothers. Thanks to confinement services, they can walk you through the basics of parenthood and teach you how to look after your little one, one step at a time. If your duties as a mum overwhelm you, they could help you overcome your anxieties and help you see the beauty of being a mother.

Answer Your Questions

Every mum had numerous questions about motherhood—specifically if they had a baby for the first time. You could ask your friends and family for assistance, but you could also turn to your stay in nanny from Singapore. They could answer every inquiry you have and guide you through the first few stages of motherhood.

Assist You With Chores

Aside from tending to your and your baby’s needs, professionals who provide confinement nanny services in Singapore can perform light housekeeping tasks for you. They could prepare meals for you and your partner, shop for groceries, and even do your laundry. They could even clean your house if your body is too beaten from giving birth to a baby.



Things A Confinement Nanny Cannot Do

A person who provides confinement services is different from a maid. Nannies can only do so much to help you and your family adjust to a new life with your baby. Here’s what your confinement lady cannot do for you:

Stay With You For Years

Unlike full-time maids, your stay in nanny can only be with you for a few weeks to months. You could ask them to extend their stay for a few months, but they cannot be by your side as your child grows.

Nurse The Elderly

Caregivers and people who provide confinement nanny services in Singapore are different. They receive distinctive training lessons and have varied expertise. If you want someone who can look after your child and ageing parent or grandparent, you should hire a maid or a nurse instead.

Look After Pets

People that offer confinement services cannot take care of your puppy, cat, rabbit, or any other animal companion you have at home. Their expertise is only limited to looking after a newborn and a mum. They do not possess the knowledge and experience necessary to attend to your pet.


Should You Hire A Confinement Nanny?

Despite the perks other mums experience through confinement services, not all individuals are keen on hiring a nanny for themselves and their little ones. Their minds are brimming with misconceptions, or they are unaware of the benefits they could get from their solutions. Read on to learn why you need to hire a confinement nanny  in Singapore:

  • Allows You To Rest And Recover
  • Teaches You About Childcare
  • Keep You And Your Baby Safe And Comfortable
  • Provides Mental And Emotional Support
  • Have An Extra Pair Of Hands At Home

Super Nanny Services is one of Singapore’s leading confinement agencies that assist new mums in taking care of their little ones. Visit their website below to learn more about their confinement services.