Top 5 Activities you Can Enjoy in France This Winter


When it comes to places that are simply magnificent during the winter, it is hard for any to beat France. For a long time now, France has been the perfect choice for anyone looking for a place to visit during the winter. This is due to the simple fact that France has a lot of things which are perfect during winter. With the French alps and other things, it is no wonder why France reigns supreme during the winter. If you are a tourist visiting France in winter, there are a lot of activities which you must not miss out on. Some of these activities which you should enjoy in France during the winter are:

  1. Go Ice Climbing

This is simply something you must try when you are in France during the winter. France has a lot of high mountains that end up covered in thick ice during the winter. Due to this, people are now allowed to climb the ice to get to the top of the mountain. Ice climbing is a really exciting activity. The best part is when you finally make it to the top. Once you are there, you will be able to see the magnificent view that the French alps offer. All in all, you must try to do this exciting activity when you are in France.

  1. Make Use of the Zip-wire

The French alps are home to the longest zip wire in all of Europe. If you are not really a fan of climbing but still want the thrill that comes from being high, go for this. With this activity, you will be able to feel the rush that comes from going from high to low in a little amount of time. This is an activity which you must simply try, as you don’t need much skill to do this. All you need to do is to get to the top of the mountain and hook yourself up with the zip wire. Just jump at the edge and you will feel like you are flying. Also, you get to enjoy a magnificent view.

  1. Go Skiing

The French alps are practically filled in all areas with snow that is very thick. Due to this, it is the perfect place to ski. Ski is now so popular that skii resorts are all over the French alps. Ski resorts help to give you a warm place and a good meal to eat after a long day of skiing in the resort. Therefore, all you need to do is to find a good ski resort to go to in France during the winter. An example of these resorts is La Tania. This resort offers a lot of amazing activities at such a cheap price. So when in France, just go to this resort and start skiing. More so, in this beautiful mountain resort, you can experience France in a whole new way. 

  1. Dog Sledding

This is a very popular activity that you should try. Husky dogs are now used for sledding. Just get yourself a husky and attach him to your sled, and you can cruise on the snow in style. Remember to always be strapped in just to be safe.

  1. Snowshoeing

This is an activity that you can do for fun while going across thick snow. Sometimes, snow can be really difficult to travel across on foot. So with a snowshoe, you can go to places on foot while still having fun. Be sure to try this when next you are in France during the winter.


France is the perfect winter destination for tourists. With all the activities that France offers, you should always go there during the winter.