Tried and Tested fundraisers for cheerleaders

When it comes to fundraisers for cheerleaders, you just have to trust the experts. Experienced fundraisers cannot go wrong with the campaigns they have successfully done. Annually, cheerleading groups need to organize fundraisers to support their activities.

Cheerleaders are not just dancers who entertain the crowd. They are not just mere crowd-pleasers. Cheerleaders train hard to perfect their moves and thrilling stunts. They are all professionally trained to bring motivation to exhausted and spirit-drained team players.

Behind all the rigorous training cheerleaders go through, some expenses need to be taken care of. Cheerleading fundraising ideas can be found online. But to ease away the trouble of searching, a handful of tried and tested cheer fundraisers will be discussed in the next parts of this article.

Time-tested Cheerleading Fundraising Ideas

As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of cheerleading fundraisers to choose from. Almost everything you can find on the internet claims profitability and success. However, the fundraising ideas you will learn come from the experts backed with 50 years of experience in fundraising programs.

Cheerleading Fundraising Sponsorship Letter

The easiest way to raise funds for the cheerleading group is through a direct sponsorship letter. This is a direct sponsorship where you ask outright donations from a potential donor. The process is simple and you have no products to sell. However, you may want to offer donors something in exchange for their donations. For help with your cheer fundraising, visit Fundraising Zone.

Free advertising is the most common thing you can offer to potential donors. Typically, potential donors are selected business owners in the community. Advertising their business is something they cannot resist. Try this cheerleading fundraising method and see how quickly you reach your target.

But before you start sending out sponsorship letters, you need to come up with a convincing letter. In your letter, state what your cheerleading fundraising is for. Clearly state your objectives. Explain to your donors how they can make a difference in supporting your cause. Give detailed instructions on how they can and when to send their donations.

Cheerleading Fundraising Sponsorship Email Letter

Sending sponsorship email letters to potential donors has the same concept as the sponsorship letter fundraiser. The only difference is that you send mail via the internet. You may simply copy your letter to your e-mail client to send it to your prospective donors.

One advantage of e-mail letters is that you can directly redirect your recipients to other web pages dedicated to your cheerleading fundraising campaign (if there’s any). Since your recipients are connected to the internet while reading your sponsorship email letter, you may also take advantage of sending them directly to your social media accounts, like Facebook.

Social Media Cheerleading Fundraising

Talking about Facebook, social media platforms are also great tools to be used in cheerleading fundraising. Harnessing the power of sharing links in your social media accounts can make a huge difference in promoting your cheerleader fundraiser.

First of all, try to have a dedicated page for your cheerleading group. Use it to upload updates on what’s new about the cheerleaders. This will help garner new followers. Use several social media platforms to gain more exposure. Whenever your cheer squad has an ongoing cheerleading fundraising campaign, post them on every social media platform you have.

There are more than 100 social media platforms that you can use. However, aside from Facebook, the following are the most popular:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • LinkedIn
  • Google Plus
  • Youtube

Cheerleading Fundraising Webpage

If social media platforms are powerful tools for promoting cheerleading fundraising, a webpage can be a perfect landing page for your fundraiser. Your cheer group can get a free domain by asking the school’s IT team to provide you with a subdomain from your school’s web domain.

What’s perfect about having a webpage is that you can point your social media accounts to a link on your website. For example, you can link all your social media accounts to a page promoting your cheerleading fundraising. This could also be done vice versa – your web page pointing to all your social media accounts.

Have a meeting with your school IT director and talk about the maintenance of the webpage. Their IT team would gladly agree to maintain and develop your website for free. Besides, it’s your school you’re representing.


Your cheerleading squad may come across several profitable cheerleading fundraising on the internet. The truth is there are plenty, in fact, even thousands. However, if you are looking for reliable cheerleading fundraising ideas, take it from the experts. If you are having a hard time doing it on your own, you may check several fundraising consultancy firms online.