Varicose Veins, What You Need to Know

Varicose veins are among the most common vein issues today. They are not only a health issue but also a cosmetic problem too, causing low self-esteem. Luckily, there are effective treatments to eliminate them.

College Park varithena specialists offer extensive care for varicose veins, promoting your health and wellness. The talented team uses advanced techniques to provide customized and minimally invasive care. If varicose veins bother you, contact the Vascular Vein Center today for help.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins appear as twisted and enlarged veins pooled with blood. Varicose veins are most common in your legs but it is possible to form in any body part. Other than swollen veins, the symptoms include:

  •   Itchy skin around the varicose vein.
  •   Skin discoloration around a varicose vein.
  •   Heavy, achy legs.
  •   Burning or throbbing cramps.
  •   Swelling.
  •   Pain from sitting or standing for long periods of time.

What Are the Causes of Varicose Veins?

Besides being an aesthetic issue, varicose veins can be a sign of a vascular health problem. Veins have valves that support blood flow back to the heart. Varicose veins occur due to a damaged valve causing backward blood flow, pooling in your vein.

You may also have varicose veins from family history and lifestyle habits.

Risk factors for varicose veins include:

  •   Age, old age causes the breakdown of the valves.
  •   Obesity, excessive weight puts pressure on your veins, causing valve damage.
  •   Pregnancy.
  •   Gender, varicose veins are more common in women than men.
  •   Standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time.

Though rare, the complications likely to occur due to varicose veins include bleeding, ulcers, and blood clots.

When to Seek Medical Help

It would be best to see a doctor when varicose veins make you cautious of your look and lower your self-confidence affecting your social life. It would help if you also visited a medical provider when varicose veins cause pain affecting your daily activities.


The varicose vein treatment starts with a comprehensive exam and diagnostic imaging to assess your problem and develop a personalized treatment plan. The treatment may include:

  •   Laser treatment.
  •   Sclerotherapy.
  •   Venaseal.
  •   Varithena, medication for varicose veins.
  •   Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy.
  •   High ligation and vein stripping, tying off a vein before joining a deep vein and removing the vein through small incisions.
  •   Endoscopic vein surgery in severe cases like when you have leg ulcers.

Most varicose veins treatments are non-invasive procedures. Hence, you can return to your daily activities the same day, allowing quick recovery, faster healing, and no downtime.

Home remedies and some prevention measures include:

  •   Maintaining a healthy weight and diet.
  •   Regular exercise.
  •   Avoiding high heels or tight clothes for long.
  •   Elevating your legs.
  •   Avoiding extended periods of sitting or standing.

Talk to a Varicose Vein Specialist Today

Varicose veins are both a medical and a cosmetic issue. The common problem with women due to pregnancy and other fertility treatments may make you less appreciative of your appearance, causing a lack of self-confidence. If varicose veins make you feel less attractive, visit Vascular Vein Center today for effective and high-quality treatments to eliminate your varicose veins and enhance health.

Contact their offices today to schedule your consultation.