“Weapons” help Webtoon manhwa become a global phenomenon against webcomic

 Webcomic is an online comic, it is published on websites or mobile applications. Sometimes it is also published in magazines, webcomic follows the European-American comics school, so it is popularly used as  caricatures in magazines. Webcomic has a simpler structure than manhwa webtoon comics, shorter stories and does not have a complex and coherent and verbose story structure. While Webtoon has two notable points.  Firstly, “webtoon” is not a generic term, equivalent to “web comics,” and it is not a genre of comics. Webtoon is actually a product of the combination of comics with digital media – a contributing factor to change the appearance of comics, production processes, reading habits, as well as the concept of the boundary between  authors and readers, distribution and distribution of cultural works. Secondly, webtoon is a new form of digital storytelling online, originating from Korea, developed based on the potential exploitation of current multimedia and media technology. Great.

 Manhwa Webtoon is growing and has a large fan base all over the world.  We probably want to know where did artist Manhwa do this? What are their secrets to creating quality webtoon manhwa series that captivate people?  In the following article, we will delve into the factors that make manhwa webtoon into a rich work of art, comparable to novels and blockbusters.

 Collaboration between artist and editor

 Editors are often an important determinant of manhwa webtoon quality.  The production of manhwa webtoon series begins with a meeting between artist and editor to discuss and discuss ideas for the story.  After the meeting, the artist began drawing storyboards, or name plates. At this stage, the webtoon is just a simple sketch with speech.  After the storyboard was approved by the editor, the artist began to enter the actual production stage. This is the stage where important decisions need to be made regarding the plot and character development.  Depending on the type of manhwa webtoon, artists may conduct research during this period. If an artist has a problem, an editor is the right person to ask for advice. The quality of the manga has been greatly improved by following the sincere, helpful advice of the editors.  The editor is both a strong partner and a close friend in the eyes of the artist – who shares his worries with the artist and is responsible for ensuring everything goes smoothly and smoothly. It’s no exaggeration to say that the editor contributed 30% of the effort to the success of manhwa webtoon.

 In addition to the work mentioned above, the editor is also a bridge between artists and readers.  They personally went to the bookstore to consult readers about the newly launched manhwa webtoon. Feedback from readers often has a direct impact on the production of manhwa webtoon series.  Finally, the editor takes on additional marketing, organizing events, giving souvenirs, proposing ideas for improving sales, finding and nurturing new talents.

 Editorial system

 The webtoon manhwa editorial system plays a very important role in the success of manhwa webtoon globally.  It’s great to read  manhwa webtoon hentai comic next to a coffee in the morning.  To find out how this editorial system works, let’s look at voting systems in webtoon manhwa magazines like Manytoon for example.  Each issue has a section asking readers to vote on the most popular manhwa webtoon series. The editor bases on the popularity level to rank webtoon manhwa series.  The most popular manhwa webtoon series will be put on the front page in the next issue. Manhwa webtoon series that receive too few votes will often be mercilessly cut off by the editorial office.  When readers are no longer interested in a manhwa series, that manhwa series will definitely not be serialized in the magazine, no matter how famous the author is.

 Kim Teho, experienced editor for Manytoon Publishing, said, “The editorial system is one of the strengths of the webtoon manhwa industry.  It took us ten years to build the editorial system it is today. Thanks to that, we can guarantee the best quality webtoon manhwa series. Abundant source of ideas is also no small strength in the webtoon industry.  It is the result of an ongoing process of experimenting with all the different ideas in each category. Needless to say, this rich source of ideas brought tremendous benefits to manhwa webtoon artists.

 Talking about Manhwa Webtoon is flawed when not mentioning Manytoon is the best website for the readers, they can read free manhwa webtoon hentai online  the site has hundreds of excellent comics from webcomic, manga, manhwa webtoon hentai online that you can read for free and share your friends.  In addition to combining manhwa webtoon and webcomic work mentioned above, the editor is also a bridge between artists and readers. They personally go to bookstores to consult readers about newly launched manga.  Readers’ feedback often has a direct impact on manga production. Finally, the editor takes on additional marketing, organizing events, giving souvenirs, proposing ideas for improving sales, finding and nurturing new talents.

 In an industry that has been shaped and dominated by big names like Marvel Comics, Dc Comics, Dark Horse Comics, … they own hundreds of superhero characters and have made a deep impression.  In the minds of each child, they create compelling read free comic online websites, everyone is addicted to such great superhero comics. However, this is a fascinating battle between schools.  and different artistic ideas to conquer global readers.

Manhwa webtoon became a global phenomenon thanks to the rigorous editing system, and the spirit of self-sacrificing work of dedicated artists and editors.