What are the 4 different brainstorming methods?

The process of harnessing the power of thinking outside the box to solve an impossible problem is known as brainstorming. With effective brainstorming sessions, you could create magic that could help you find amazing and unique ideas. Whenever you are stuck in any problem and cannot solve the problem, then the best thingis you could choose different effective ideation methods. But what are the best ways or techniques of generating different effective ideas? There are many effective ways of brainstorming that are meaningful and effective. With effective sessions, you could easily create many inspiring and creative ideas.

You must know that the first step in generating an idea is a creativity process that helps create or generate possible solutions. With the help of proper and effective sessions, you could easily generate creative ideas within a short period of time. The methods of generating new ideas are effective for information-gathering techniques and for risk identification in any project initiation phase. You could see different types and ways of brainstorming processes developed for approaching the creative process from different angles in the current situation.

Why choose the best brainstorming ideas?

Choosing the best ideas could be effective for you as they help in gaining the ability to think flexibly and abstractly. There are many effective brainstorming benefits as it helps to build involvement, loyalty, enthusiasm, and commitment. It could also help you in building your self-esteem and create a better climate for cooperation and teamwork. The popular sessions help in solving problems quickly and easily too in an effective way.

The best thing about brainstorming is that it encourages better friendships and communication while doing ideation activities together. There are different brainstorming techniques that you could use to come up with lots of good ideas. You could also effectively change the direction of your business with effective ideas through better and creative ideas. But before you jump to your next session, you must consider a number of different approaches that could work well when you feel that your ideas are appreciated and welcomed, then your brain works efficiently.

Four effective and efficient method of brainstorming

There are many effective and efficient methods of brainstorming that could help you in the best way. Some of the best methods are mentioned below: –


The first and effective method is the Reverse Brainstorming method. This method is simple yet effective for generating better and creative ideas for the problem’s effective solution. In this method, you need to turn around and consider a different perspective to generate a different set of solutions. The best thing about this method is that you could have a clear idea of what you have achieved and what you need to achieve.


The most effective methods are to stop and go to brainstorming methods. Here you require alternating between evaluation sessions and time. This method is effective as you could distinguish between your problems, solutions, good ideas, bad ideas, and much more. The evaluation session in the stop and go brainstorming method helps channel the creative ideas effectively.


The third effective method is Brainwriting. This method is best for developing ideas as here, and people brainstorm individually. After an individual generates an idea, the ideas are presented to the groups. In this method, you could easily understand your requirements and effective solutions.


The fourth and effective method is Phillips 66 Brainstorming method. In this method, you could easily find new paths, and you could also make effective decisions confidently. This method includes six people who could brainstorm for six minutes. And after the idea generation process, the six people could present their ideas.

Effective methods of idea generation help you in the process of promoting innovation, encourage creative behaviour, and stimulate the imagination.