What Size of Clothes to Buy For Your Newborn Baby: 8 Tips For New Mommies

Motherhood is a life-changing experience that allows you to see things from a new perspective. As a mom, you won’t only be deciding things for yourself — you always have to take into account your child and your whole household as well. And these decisions range from the practical to the more profound. If you’re a new mom, one of the first you have to accomplish is buying newborn cloths. But which sizes would you need to buy for your baby?

This article will help you decide. We’re offering a quick guide in this feature as we round up eight must-know tips for the new mommies.

Consult with your doctor. Buying newborn cloths is one of your first tasks as an expecting mom. The size of these clothes will depend on your infant’s size at birth. Keep in mind that the average length of full-term babies is 20 inches (but the average range is 18 to 22 inches). However, it’s still safer to consult with your doctor and ask your newborn’s expected length and weight.

Familiarise yourself with what the sizes mean. The sizing of baby clothes is generally categorised by age. Newborn clothing is literally for those who’ve just come out of the womb; the next tier is for 0-3 months, then 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, 18 months, and 24 months.

Check the chart of the supplier. The actual dimensions per age bracket differ from brand to brand. A newborn cloth of one manufacturer could measure up to 21.5 inches while it could only be up to 20 inches in another manufacturer. Before buying, check out their size chart first.

When in doubt, go big. Many mommies become afraid when buying newborn cloths. As the exact size of the baby can’t be determined before he or she gets born, there’s this doubt of getting the wrong size. When in doubt, experts and other moms agree that it’s better to go big. After all, too-large clothes can still be used once the baby grows in size.

Have a variety of sizes. To get that peace of mind, many moms opt for the route of preparing a variety of sizes just to be sure. However, you should still be practical. Don’t buy too many of one particular size or type of clothing.

Prepare newborn essentials. A newborn typically needs six singlets, six jumpsuits (another two for nightwear), three tops, three muslin wraps, and a few pairs of socks and cotton hats. If it’s winter, you have to prepare two jackets or cardigans.

Fit and comfort should be a priority. When buying newborn cloths, don’t just choose based on size and design. You should consider their comfort and fit. It’s better to buy easy-to-wear clothing than a fancy and elaborate garment that could take ages to put on.

Remember that babies grow at their own pace. Newborns grow incredibly fast. However, the pace still depends on each baby. To make your shopping experience more practical and efficient, keenly observe your baby’s development. Don’t just buy everything at once.