What Things Should You Know When Filing a Divorce?

As we grow older, the reality of life becomes more apparent. We now know that there is no such thing as happily ever after. The truth is the main characters of the story have another tale to tell. You see, getting married does not end by saying, I Do. The phrase you oath that day comes after you each day. You and your spouse would both strive your best to keep those vows till death do you part. However, how long would you keep that promise if you are no longer happy together? Would you still stick till the end? Or would you end your ties and move on to the next chapter of your life? Which one should you choose between the two? The answer depends on your situation and what you would want to happen. 

If you chose the latter, that is good. You are willing to let go of things you once had treasure. However, before you part your ways, there are things you have to do. You see, the process of divorce is not simple. Besides, knowing the lawyer fees for divorce, you would need to consider other things, too. Allow us to take you from here and explain what you need to know on how to file a divorce in Singapore. 

What is a divorce in Singapore?

As you probably know, divorce has the opposite meaning of marriage. It means ending ties with a significant other. However, filing a divorce is not an easy feat to do. You have to consider a lot of things, such as the cost of divorce in Singapore. The consequences that you would have to face afterwards when you filed one.

Also, you have to spend three years of marriage before you could file a divorce. However, if you indeed want to get one, you have to prove to the court that you are no longer happy and you suffered a lot throughout your marriage. It would be better if you have some evidence of your suffering so the court could process your request right away. 

What are the grounds for divorce?

On the other hand, before you could file a divorce, either you or your spouse would need to satisfy its grounds. You would need substantial evidence of the following. That way, the court could quickly process your divorce. Also, you would not need to wait for years to get things done.

  • Committing adultery: It is an act of infertility, whereas one of two parties are voluntarily having a relationship with others. 
  • Unreasonable behaviour: This one can vary from one situation to another, but the best example for it is violence. It could be verbal, physical, and emotional abuse.
  • Desertion: If one or both parties abandon their role as husband and wife for two years. (for example, no sexual intercourse)
  • Separation: If both parties left each other for three to four years with or without consent. 

How much is the legal cost of divorce in Singapore?

The legal cost of divorce in Singapore is divided into two, uncontested and contested. The difference between the two is that former means that both parties agree on the same thing. While the latter part means one or both parties disagree with one another. See below on how much you would spend on each situation. 

Uncontested  Contested
Divorced Costs $1,500 to $3,500 $10,000 to $35,000

The rates mentioned are subject to change depending on how much the lawyer fees for divorce. Nevertheless, uncontested divorced is much cheaper than contested. So, before filing one, make sure you and your spouse both agree on the same matter. 

What is the process of divorced when you have children?

Well, just in case you have children under the age of 21, both of you are subject to attend a Mandatory Parenting Programme. It would help you both on how you would break the news to your children. What consequences you would face if your children learned about your separation. Attending this workshop would help you better on how you would explain your circumstances. 

Can you file a divorce without a lawyer involved?

You can, but the process will be much longer. Also, if your partner decides to contest their legal rights, you would need someone who would guide you through all the legal matters. That way, you would be able to make a decision on which one is right for you and if you have the upper hand on this divorce.

Are you having trouble filing a divorced? Then, reach out to our legal team!

At Lie Chin Chin, our purpose is to provide the utmost care and attention to those who are unhappy with their marriages. We will be the necessary evil that will end their marriage that is not working out at all. That way, both parties would be able to part ways without any trouble. Also, they would get the most out of the cost of their divorced in Singapore.

So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call now at (65) 6298 8388, and we will listen to all of your concerns so that we can achieve the same result you have been hoping for. Or if you want, you can visit our website so you would have a better idea of what we can do for you. You could also see us for free legal matter consultation.