Why is Commercial Cleaning this Summer Good for Your Office?

Seasonal cleaning is essential, especially in office spaces. After the spring cleaning before Chinese New Year, you must not forget summer cleaning. It is the season associated with heat, humidity, and mould. Why? Several harmful substances tend to thrive in warmer conditions, such as algae and mould. When left alone, you are giving your workers free illnesses.

No one wants to welcome the new season unprepared. From your office windows to carpets, you must ensure that they are clear of dirt and mud. It will take more than one man to ensure that your office is ready for the next season. Of course, the people who can achieve full preparedness are not your in-house maintenance persons but the professionals from commercial cleaning services in Singapore!

In this article, you will learn how crucial it is to prepare your office for the hot and humid season. You would want to start by determining the common problems you cleaners encounter in offices because you might be able to relate to them. With this, you will know the specialised services that you need from these service providers. To further elaborate on your need for these professionals, you will also learn reasons why you should hire them before the summer comes in full swing. Keep reading to find out why you need them in welcoming this season!


What Problems Cleaners Often Encounter in Their Office?

Companies not only get problems in operating, but they also have internal conflicts within their office places. As an employer, you probably have an idea about the ever-present drama among your employees. Whether an employee is stealing other employees’ lunches or your typical conflict in the hierarchy of power, it can come in the way of productivity.

However, it is another subject when you are the one dealing with their unadmirable habits of leaving the trash can open, not flushing the toilet, and keeping an unkempt place. You may not be tired to confront each of them about this. You may even be tired of posting up reminders on the walls on how the trash should be segregated. Whichever reason, you know that the people from the office cleaner services will be the ones to handle it for you.

Well, you ought to know what they go through, and it may resonate with the situation you have in your office. Read the common problems cleaners encounter below.


Unorganised desks

It takes less than a minute to staple documents together, but your workers may take more than a minute to do it. If you are wondering why it is because they have an unorganised desk. Trash and rubbish may even be included in the pile of their desk, but they do not seem to mind.

Good thing is that your office cleaner can identify what is trash and what is not. They are a big help when it comes to minimising the clutter in your office. However, reminding your employee to learn how to clean by themselves would also go a long way.

Muddy carpets

Even in summer, there could be thunderstorms. What happens to your office carpets? Of course, they get stained with mud. What will happen when there is dry mud on your carpet? They become unattractive and discoloured. More than that, they could be harbouring germs that can trigger asthma attacks and other allergic reactions.

An office cleaner in Singapore would notice these marks immediately. They know that carpets can trap damaging air pollutants, such as pollen, fungi, chemicals, and other residues that are concerning. Well, these are the same pollutants that you can expect this summer.

Ceiling cobwebs

Halloween is six months away, but your office is already prepared for the upcoming celebration. As much as possible, you do not want to earn them so you could save some of your budget for the holiday. Not only are they scary to look at, but they are also unappealing to the eyes of a customer or a prospective employee.

You would want to get ahead of the spiders that want to rent in your office corners. If some of them are unreachable, you can trust that the cleaners of commercial cleaning services can get them for you.

Foggy windows

Your office has foggy windows because of condensation. It is a process of changing water from its gaseous state into liquid water. When this happens to your windows, it is because of the muggy air outside your office and the cold air inside comes in contact through the glass. You and your employees would not be able to enjoy the scenic view.

It is important to keep your windows fog-free because it may not only dim the interior of your office, you are also depriving your employees of the city view. Window cleaning is often a neglected part of general cleaning, but you can trust the office cleaner in Singapore can cover it for you.

Mysterious odour

When your office experiences a mysterious, lingering odour, the first reaction may be to take out the trash. Often, that may solve it. However, you must be alarmed when the odour is still present and stronger the next day. There are unexplained smells in the office that may be difficult to find the source, but it should not be neglected.

Either they are still waters on the building’s ledge next to an opened window or someone has been smoking in the bathroom, they should not disrupt the workplace. Remember that still, waters in the summer can attract mosquitoes. Thus, they must be cleared immediately. Any smoking is also prohibited in office spaces so the smell must be removed as well.

Among the many common office problems that you may face, do not forget that you can have a professional handle it for you. In this upcoming season, hiring a group of experts to give you commercial cleaning services is the key to unlocking many advantages when operating during the heat!


Why Do You Need Commercial Cleaning Services Before Summertime?

In every exchange, both parties must benefit from one another. When you are experiencing the problems mentioned above, the only way out of it is to find service providers to give you the benefits of having a clean office for the summer at a reasonable price. With fair pay and a clean office, you are getting the best of both worlds!

If you are still hesitant in calling the office cleaner in Singapore to get a personalised office cleaning service, you must take notes of these reasons why they could help you out this summertime:

<img src=”https://i.ibb.co/m0P7kM5/summertime-checklist.png” alt=”summertime-checklist” border=”0″></a>

Enhance your company’s reputation

Customers are not the only people you should impress. You have your employees too. All can agree that a dingy, dirty, and run-down office is not a good place to work. Therefore, if you want to keep a good reputation for both your business partners and employees, you must show them your care by hiring professional cleaners.

A good brand image will last a long time as long as you are consistent with your efforts to keep them that way. Welcoming prospective clients and investors will remember your efforts when they see that you can maintain a clean office in every different season. Starting this summer, you should show them that!

Prevent sick days

Cleaning is not solely for the reason to make a place look good. In an office, cleaning is also a way to prevent the spread of several germs. When neglected these can cause seasonal bugs and viruses. Singapore, being a tropical country, is endemic for dengue. In a region where vector-borne diseases are prevalent, summer office cleaner services are vital in keeping the count low on dengue cases.

These cleaners would ensure that they will eliminate all mosquito habitats in your office space, such as stagnant water containing objects like tires, flower pots, plastic covers, among others. It is the step you want to take to prevent your workers from having sick days that could delay your business operations.

Improve productivity

People tend to think about productivity as something that can only be produced internally. It is not true. When workers see natural scenery within their offices, such as plants, water, or looking at how the sky meets the city lines outside the windows, their mood, morale, and productivity gets boosted.

A study in 2015 proved that employees taking micro-breaks to see the city scene can boost sustained attention. It is an important quality to have successful cognitive functioning. Thus, investing in commercial cleaning services this season would help keep your windows fog-free so your employees can spend a few seconds looking at the city!

In addition, you must remember that physical clutter found in desks, hallways, or cabinets can lead to mental clutter. When a person’s mind is bombarded with these excessive stimuli, it would force their brain to spend more energy—but not on their tasks. Keeping your office space clean will help declutter the physical space to avoid giving your workers mental clutter.

Save costs

When talking about the long-term effects of getting office cleaner services regularly, rest assured that you can count on it. Investing in deep cleaning services in the summertime can lead to cost savings. How? Your hired cleaners help in preserving the integrity of office components by removing dust and dirt from your cabinets, shelves, desks, printers, monitors, among many other things!

If not about equipment, a professional cleaning service will help in extending the lifespan of your window blinds, carpets, and curtains. These are also essential in keeping a good look of your office because they enhance the aesthetics of your space. Trust that they can rejuvenate the elements of your office so you can keep your business running smoothly.


Tips in Maintaining Cleanliness after a Commercial Cleaning Service

Since you have finally decided that you get commercial cleaning services for your office, you must know that you can delay your need for their services if you know how to maintain the cleanliness of it.

Here are some tips to help you out:


Ask for their advice

Your hired cleaners are open to giving you advice when it comes to maintaining your space. All you have to do is ask and take note of what they say to you!

Take out the trash daily

Trash can pile up and let germs and bacteria breed amongst them. Avoid it by taking the trash at the end of the day.

Invest in cleaning products

Specific tools are needed to keep an office clean. Hence, always have dishwashing soap, cloths, broom, mops, and a vacuum cleaner in your drawers.

Manage your computer cables

Not only are they hazardous if left unattended, but they are also hard to clean when they have twisted altogether. Thus, ensure that every person who has a desk organises their cables!

Consider posting signs

Some people can be forgetful of what they should do, and they are forgivable because not everyone has the meticulous attention that an office cleaner from Singapore companies have. Remind them of how things must be organised and clean by posting signs!


Do You Want to Have a Clean and Productive Office this Summer?

Indeed, it is hard to enjoy the warm weather and bright sunshine when you know that your office is not as clean as it should be. Before even becoming an employer, you were once an employee who worked long hours and endured working at a small office desk. You know that seeing clutter and a dirty space does not keep you focused on your tasks. It is the same feeling that your employees are experiencing. Thus, give them a clutter-free and productive summer office space by getting commercial cleaning services in Singapore!

LUKIS Cleaning Services is the team of experts who you want to be responsible for cleaning your office this summer. They have a systematic approach to achieve the satisfaction of their clients. By understanding your needs first, they would customise a cost-effective cleaning program that can eliminate all the problems of your office space. Whether they are vacuuming your floors or wiping the collected dust in your office appliances, trust that they will give you quality cleaning service!

If you want to know more about what they can do for your office, you can get a free consultation on their website to get started today.