5 things you must not do when designing a website

Building a website seems to be an easier task. But to ensure its usability and the convenience the users are expected, that is an entirely different story. Most people think that the website has nothing to do with other essential matters in anyone’s business. Besides being the identity of the business, websites are there because this is the best place to interact especially to its potential customers. If websites are not appealing to the customers, chances that the venture will not be successful is very high. To avoid this to happen to your website, here are some of the things that you should get rid of when doing your website design.


Since websites are the most efficient place to search and gather information, people need search boxes to make their searching more efficient. Failure to have this cause them to spend more time looking for what they need, and this is something that most of us do not want. If you don’t know how just copy the HTML code and paste it on the website.


The homepage creates an initial impression of your audience to your website. If your homepage is decluttered, it gives a non-appealing view to them. If you want your website to be explored more, make sure to create the best impression that will leave your audience. One way to do that is to create a simple homepage. Avoid having many fonts and images that are unnecessary to the website. The cliché “less is more” is applicable in this case. 


What you put into the website not only creates an additional impression to the audience, but it also affects its positioning in every search engine which can also affect the traffic to the site. The content is another factor that can determine the success or failure of your website. 

Besides disorganized content structure, another issue that gives negative implications to the content is when the title is not connected to the content. To avoid this, you can do the following:

Use HTML and CSS when creating the page design 

Ensure that the content is always consistent and up-to-date

Making up-to-date contents is not just about putting new and more content, but this can also be an opportunity to rectify mistakes if there’s any

Use proper margins to create white spaces in your images and texts


As mentioned, websites are created as an instrument to reach and be reached by audience and customers. Unfortunately, web designers fail to encourage their clients to like, subscribe, follow, share and post their contents. Remember that one of the website’s goals is to give a participative environment for its audience, and creating a call-to-action is one of the ways to achieve it.


Another way to ensure the success of the website is its readability and legibility. Reading the information on your website should not be difficult for your audience since it can also affect how they can grasp the details. This happens when website designs use hard-to-read and inappropriate font styles and sizes for their information. Here are some ways to prevent this problem:

Use font styles that provides easy reading like Sans Serif

Avoid using colors that contrast to the website’s overall design. Never use bright colored backgrounds to the texts or white texts on black background.

Besides the mentioned things to avoid, it is always a good idea to try something unique and different for your website designs. If you are looking forward to having the best website design, head on to APLUSDIGITAL.CA/WEB-DESIGN/