Entrepreneurs are the New Actors

Entrepreneurs are called to be the new actors since they become more and more in demand and popular. This is because they have embraced their entrepreneurial state of mind that they can observe all the happenings around them. They become public figure and valuable to society since they made up the economy.

These new actors got the online world wherein they are the hot topic of everybody. Such as Oprah Winfrey who has 42 million followers on Twitter and Richard Branson with almost 13 million followers. People are very much interested in the things they do and have to say. Especially those who to be one of them.

I am looking forward to becoming a successful businessman someday. 

Business experiences attract so much attention because of the energy that brought to get more customers. This leads to success in business. You are amazed by how they have become this successful despite tiredness and pain give off by the business. Drawn by their stores and accounts but has a beautiful story to tell. We are inspired by their stories that once in their lives, they started from scratch. These are the reasons why the people of today are admiring them.

Every entrepreneur has a story to tell, and this gives us information on how to adopt the business industry. This is the reason why they become new actors because of their impact on people. We are curious about how they have become that successful in just a short period. Nevertheless, we are encouraged to be one of them and looking forward to becoming the talk of the town in the business industry soon.

In business, entrepreneurs are not only creating money but also giving back to the people who are in need. They are a philanthropist as well. Success sometimes comes from the heart to give back whenever they can. There is a recent report that entrepreneurs are the most generous since they give their 50% income to people compared to others, accordingly. Usually, they give back through fundraising and charity events. Entrepreneurs are responsible for the socio-economic society that received a large amount of help from these people as they create meaningful and positivity among each other.

Because of the publicity of the businessmen and entrepreneurs that have been caught due to their success story, this will probably help raise their profile. By the used of media contents and affiliations with different cooperation and the non-government organisation. Whatever attentions that the entrepreneurs are getting they truly it since they work hard for it and continue to inspire the entrepreneur’s wannabe.

Wrap up

To sum up, this idea will help you establish yourself in the Entrepreneur position just like Barjunaid Cadir did. He’s a student who made his way to establish a small agency that helps companies in their day-to-day business. By profession, Barjunaid Cadir is a Public-School Teacher in the Philippines from 2012 to 2015. He left his teaching career last 2015 and pursued his postgraduate course abroad.

Since Barjunaid Cadir struggles financially, he took the time to learn the idea of working remotely and learn freelancing skills that he can use in his venture. To cut the story short, the number of his clients grew over time that he needs a small team to run his business. So, he started to hire two members to join his venture in Remote Lad.

Currently, he is managing five heads in his team. He’s the Editor-in-Chief of The Weekly Trends Magazine that features news and other trending stories. He is making his way of building a small VA online university (theVAsity) for aspiring individuals who wish to learn how to start their venture as a Freelancer. Barjunaid Cadir is a passionate writer that contributes to big platforms like Medium, ThriveGlobal, Kivo Daily, Virily, e27, and much more.